I love you because you disappeared…

What’s really important? A job? House? Car? Kids? Money? That question is something I’ve been asking myself for awhile. I’ve been trying to “get my life together” for more years than not, since getting a life. Then, a little while ago, I realized, I was chasing the wrong things. While a good job, family (if that’s what you want), nice car, and plenty of money might make things go the way you envisioned.. Is it the most important thing? Is it really what you truly want?

Or is living with no regrets, no stress and being happy the ultimate goal?

I get asked for advice on decisions sometimes and my answers are usually the same. Ask yourself, will it hurt someone? Will it stress me out? Is it something I will regret, both in the yes and the no? And will I be happy afterwards? Those 4 questions have been a breath of fresh air, making each day a no regret, happy, carefree day. I have been ridiculed for my decisions and some have tried to make points on the opposite side of my choice. Ultimately, I’m the one that has to live with what I chose and what direction I am headed. As long as I’m ok with it, and it’s making me happy, then the opposing views don’t matter. But even more important than being ok with my decisions are the relationships and friendships I choose to surround myself with. If I could go talk to my younger self, I would probably tell me to follow my instincts, and not let any person determine who I care about, or who I choose to keep in my life.

I have a habit of talking to strangers. It’s like a treasure hunt. There are a lot of polite conversations and weirdness out there, but occasionally, I find a treasure. The treasures are the ones that are worth all the time I can give them. They are the ones I will be talking to for years to come.

To you, my wonderful treasures.. You can always count on me to be there, unconditionally and with everything I can offer.

Rarely in my life do I get close to people. They get close to me, but I have a hard time opening up and showing anything else than the strong, confident, capable person that I typically pretend I am, usually never happens. There’s always those few though, that touch my soul. They make things make sense. Their very presence is intoxicatingly calming, soothing and safe. Those friends are the ones I will bend over backwards for. I will make the extra effort to be what they need me to be because they are very much what I crave. Those friends are the ones you can pick up the phone and talk and it feels like not a day has gone by. Those relationships are the ones that as much as I am dumping in, they are pushing back out towards me.

So while I continue on this path of stress-less, freer thinking, and decisions I won’t regret, I will continue to work on the relationships and friendships that are worth my time because I’m worth theirs. To me. That is the most important thing. The ones that I had to let go of, were equally important, serving a purpose in lessons that will also span my lifetime. Lessons that putting time into something that doesn’t return anything is not worth it when I could be focusing on someone or something that will brighten my life immeasurably.

So, if there’s someone you haven’t spoken to in awhile, but they touch your soul, reach out to them, chances are you touch theirs too.

To you, my lost friend, I have never been more grateful for a second chance. Thank you.



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