I love you because you don’t give up…

To you, my encouragers. For that moment when you typed out a well thought message. Thank you. It always comes at the exact right time. I hope others get those from you too, mostly I hope you get them from someone. You are the reason people keep pushing on. Driving forward. You are the reason people believe in themselves in ways they never thought they could.

To you, my sunrise friend. Your messages are like opening a Christmas present. You have no idea what they mean to me, or how much you matter.

To you, my cheerleader. You have seen me at my worst, and still told me I could be the best. You are the reason I can unconditionally love. You are the reason I am “mom” to more than just my kids.

To you, my hero. You taught me to live with integrity, honor, and perseverance. You are why I push so hard, and have gotten so far.

To you my “lifers”. We may have know each other for decades, or a short time, but you and I were brought together for a reason. Our live paths crossed, and will remain intertwined in some fashion until the end. You are my comforts, my escapes. You listen when I tell you not to treat me different. You don’t know this, but you amaze me with the person you are. Our conversations are wonderful distractions… And the laughter… the laughter is my favorite.

All of you have impacted my soul. The very core of who I am and what I believe in people. Thank you for the moments, memories and shenanigans. I’m looking forward to many more.

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