I love you because you knew exactly what I needed…

I was given a gift the other day. One that was perfect in its timing and more valuable than anything I own. I didn’t even realize how bad I wanted and needed it until the hints that I might be getting it started dropping. Then I couldn’t think about anything else. I felt like a little kid again – the days before Christmas, counting, preparing, waiting, and tingling with anticipation. Then finally the day had arrived, I was so excited – I already knew today was the day I got to use my gift.

The person that gave it to me was the only person I would have accepted it from as I don’t think anyone else would have been able to give me the value it deserved and the full benefits that came with it. I will be forever in her debt because the gift cost her so much.

I have seen many, many people receive this gift and then use it with extreme stupidity or set it aside as if it has no value. Those that have been told they cannot use theirs much longer would give literally anything to get even the smallest piece of it. Those that have an abundance of it, take it for granted. This gift comes with prejudice, the older you are the smaller your piece, sometimes, depending on the person, younger years gives you less as well. And if you treat this gift gently, taking care of it cautiously and spreading it out, using it only when necessary, it can last for years.

I got to share mine with 4 wonderful, talented, smart, gorgeous women, who knew exactly how to help me use it, since I have been out of practice since the last time I had any in 1998. So, thank you to all of them, i am also in your debt for teaching me how to use it the right way.

And thank you to the special person that gave it to me… my amazing night out, with my gift of time.

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