I love you because I failed…

I am still trying to save the world. These days though, I am getting better at recognizing that’s what I’m trying to do, and stopping myself… Or at least pulling back a little. When one is a “world saver” you tend to also carry an uncalled for sense of responsibility that the world or those you a trying to save in it, make it. It makes for a very frustrating circle that never goes anywhere. You pour a lot of time, energy, money, and emotions into whoever the new project is, and when they don’t live up to the potential you see that they could have, it makes for a frustrating self-deprecating sense of guilt, that you have failed. The other problem with being a world saver is that you quickly get over the failures and try again. choosing often to only see the good sides in everyone. Most people would think that’s a good thing… Unless you can’t see past the failures for what it might be. And what it might be is not what you are going to like. So instead of being able to let things lie, and go with the flow,you try to save the world, and sometimes the world doesn’t want saving and you should just worry about making yourself happy. Because if the world fails, it’s not your fault. Sometimes the world is responsible for its own decisions and actions and has to deal with the consequences of what they, not you have created for themselves. Even though you care, and it hurts to watch them fail, you can’t save the world, just yourself.

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