
This weekend I experienced a total renewal in my soul. I’m not usually the one that preaches, or is all about religion, but I feel refreshed and ready. Ready to take the next chapter in my life and fit what I want it to. I learned alot about myself this weekend.

In the “I love you project” I currently have 26 direct “links”. A link being someone that on a regular, or semi-regular basis I can express my gratitude, or love-you-because’s to. Some of them I communicate every day with, other’s I try every other week, and some one a month. Every one of them though is in my thoughts constantly.

Yesterday I began to reflect on our time, being our time here, now. Time for relationships, family, and friends. Then I thought about all the ‘missed’ opportunities I’ve passed on to express my gratitude or joy for something someone did, or what someone meant to me, because I was scared of what they would say, or what those with me would say. Then I thought about all the people I pass every day and I wonder how many times they’re told “I love you because…” or “thank you for…”. I will not miss another opportunity to brighten someones day. I decided to add to the project and once a day (at least) I will tell a stranger what I see, from the few seconds I have the pleasure of being in their presence, that makes them special. I’m sure this will be the most interesting portion of the project thus far. In the meantime I’m toying with an idea of what to do now that the world is my option. I have decided not to settle, not to change for the corporate world, or for the greater expectancy. I will be who I am, unashamed and do what I do and be thrilled that I am doing something I love!

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1 Response to Blessed

  1. Genial brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.

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