Category Archives: 2010

I love you just so you’re not alone…

I now have an entirely new perception and appreciation for the “older” generation in the current (I hate to use these words, as they are overused, but I couldn’t come up with a better phrase or word) economy. To lose your … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 | Leave a comment

I love you because you gave me a blanket when I was cold…

So I’ve been working now for a little over 3 weeks. I love it. The actual job part kind of sucks.. getting up early, learning so much information I’ve had to find a way to dump my brain when I get home just so I … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 | Leave a comment

I love you because you were jealous of me… for two seconds…

I’ve spent much of my life comparing myself to everyone around me. Sometimes this pushes me to do better, sometimes it discourages because I disappoint myself. All of the time it’s an unconscious choice that becomes aware to me the … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 | Leave a comment

I love you just because you didn’t pee on the seat…

Today was the first day at my new job. I’ve got a new view on cleaning toilets. It’s not really a new view, more like a reminder. I’ve always believed, especially being a manager, that the higher up the ladder … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 | Leave a comment

I love you because I promised you I would…

I’m learning alot.. I think I’ve said that before.. but it still amazes me as to how much. I got a job offer and have another interview on Wednesday! So much pressure has been lifted and now I’m just trying … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 | Leave a comment

I love you just because you don’t share my perspective

I’ve come to realize that this sucks. It’s been a nice vacation, but I’m ready to go back to work. Stressing out every week how I’m going to pay the bills due that week is getting really old, and some … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 | Leave a comment

I love you because you are making me uncomfortable

This sort of goes with the last one.. So I’m still unemployed, still hopeful… but still unemployed. I’m now trying job fairs.. Anyone that has every done any of them knows how crazy and sometimes, sadly, pointless they can be. … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 | Leave a comment

Side note

I decided to quit being a chicken and just post what I started… hence the few randoms.

Posted in 2010 | Leave a comment

I love you because you use me like a crutch

‘I love you because’… you use me like a crutch. Such a blanket statement, so few words, so much power. Words have more of an impact than any other single action. I knew a girl a few years ago that … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 | 1 Comment

I love you because you pushed me down and humiliated me

 love you because… you pushed me down and humiliated me.   I am an encourager. One of those people that looks, and can usually find, something good about every situation. Whether it’s something I’ve gone through or something someone else … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 | Leave a comment