I love you.. even though this sucks

Being unemployed is such a roller coaster. I didn’t realize how much a job relates directly to your self worth until I didn’t have one. While it’s been amazing for my family life and for some serious reflection, my self esteem has taken a big hit. Twelve rejection letters a day will do that to a person. I do believe though, as I fight back, that I am stronger and will be invincible when this is all over.

I’ve been riding the train downtown once a week to hang out with an amazing lady that for some reason has decided to teach me things that I would otherwise have to pay or beg someone to learn. On the way there and back I have found perfect opportunities to say something nice to someone, or several someones. Sometimes they switch seats, which I find funny because then I just end up staring at them. Just kidding. It amazes me though how much it puts people off balance when you compliment someone, or do something nice. My new favorite thing is when I go through a drive through to pay for the person behind me as well.

This one is kinda all over the place, random. Not a whole lot of consistency to my thoughts lately. Still going strong though!

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