You could have given up, but you are my hero…

I watch you begin to make moves I never thought you were capable of. Only to be faced with a set back. Not an “I lost my job have have to find a new one” set back, but one that almost took your life. I watch you struggle every day, to find your normal again, and it would break my heart, except I watch your strength and your perseverance and instead, you are my hero.

I watch you, everything you held dear, ripped away, against your will. Forced to being a new life, in a new place. As soon as you gain ground, something else comes up and sets you back. You get knocked on your ass, and every time you get back up, there is still a spring in your step. You fight for what you believe in. You win the hardest ones to win over with your truth, and inability to give up. Your actions are the reason I believe every word out of your mouth and you are my hero.

I watch you, for many years, put your loved ones first, above all else. Sacrifice your time to make sure those you love want for nothing. You’ve earned your rest and you are my hero.

I watch you, believe the best in those you love, over and over, even when they show anything but. I have learned to rescue from you, and I can give many chances and still remain loyal, because you showed me it’s ok to do that. You are irreplaceable and you are my hero.

I watch you, learning to exercise your freedom. I hold my breath every time you make a choice I know will hurt you, but I know it’s something you have to do, on your own. I am proud of who you are, and who you are becoming. I wanted you to be an independent thinker, thoughtful, caring, kind, generous, and strong. Some life experiences gave you some of those, but the rest you have become. You are a fighter and you are my hero.

I watch the three of you, your families, your lives. I used to feel like an outsider, but I know I’m just a corner piece to the puzzle we all make. Rounding it off nicely. All you all add more pieces to that puzzle, I couldn’t be more impressed with your choices, they fit perfectly, as if they were meant to be. I wanted my life to be put together even half as well as yours someday, but then I realized… Corner pieces look different for a reason. I wouldn’t be me, if you all weren’t you and you are my heroes.

I watch you, you were an answer to something I wanted since I was 4. You an I bonded over secret pasts and whispered pain. I can’t imagine ever not having you in my life, you are my sister and you are my hero.

I watch you, breaking new ground and being a leader in what no one will call our generation’s civil rights movement. I am proud to call you my oldest friend and you are my hero.

And I watch you, the fighters, survivors, innovators. I watch when you don’t let circumstances hold you down. I watch when you come out stronger than you thought you could ever be. I watch when you put all your eggs in one basket and are ok no matter if it doesn’t work as you planned, you inspire me, and you are my heroes.

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