I love you because you gave me too much…

I’ve found myself more anxious lately. I try to avoid that feeling, usually by facing the cause head on. In this case, it seems to make it worse. Someone reminded me the other day, that there are bigger things at work and to not be anxious. Instead, be grateful.

I started focusing on all the things I can’t control and looking for the things I’m blessed from them. The more I look, the less the anxieties overshadow.

I get to get up everyday and watch the sunrise. I’m not thinking about the future, but being grateful for the right-now. I hear a train in the distance… For several intersections, he’s blaring his horn, three times at the one that doesn’t have a crossing. The 45 degree weather is waking me up better than any cup of coffee could. I can hear elk (or deer), chatting back and forth. An owl calling out to anyone and when recieving a quick answer, responding in kind. I see one lonely jet, traveling at an angle creating a brilliant orange streak, which happens to be the only color in the sky that makes me think we aren’t quite ready for snow yet.

I’m grateful I woke up today, that I get to spend it with the people that matter.

Take a moment today. Just for you. Find something quiet, beautiful and still. And instead of focusing on all the worries, find something or someone you can hold onto and be thankful for.

And just as I finished writing this, the grays and pale blues gave way in the sunrise for steaks of orange, pink and red that span the entire horizon. This, today is my moment.


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