Category Archives: Love

I love you because I failed…

I am still trying to save the world. These days though, I am getting better at recognizing that’s what I’m trying to do, and stopping myself… Or at least pulling back a little. When one is a “world saver” you … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Loss, Love | 1 Comment

I love you because you taught me

Love is realizing you would rather be the one in pain instead of watching someone else have to be. Love is choosing to forgive even when it hurts. Love is knowing when to walk away, even though ever single fiber … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you are here now

I got on here just now, thinking that it’d been a long, long time since the last post. I realized,in the real world, it’s only been a month. In my world, it feels a lot longer than that. I have … Continue reading

Posted in 2012, Love | 1 Comment