I love you because you’re going to have a birthday


It’s so hard sometimes to find something I think is worthwhile to write about. Or positive enough that I think others will actually want to read. I’ve always hated when I have those friends that the only thing they ever do is call to complain about how crappy their lives are. Don’t get me wrong, I believe there’s a partial purpose of a friend in that we are there for each other to listen and help through issues we all face. However, if the only reason you ever call me is to either ask for a “favor” or to complain about how horrible you think your life is, we probably won’t talk much after awhile. I also tend to not do well with people that just complain and never do anything to fix it. The “poor me” because this is the hand I was dealt attitude won’t get you very far with me at all. Everyone has faced tough issues, regardless of if they seem as bad as your issues or not, they probably felt just as bad to the person affected. So, I believe my issues are important to me, and probably just me and try not to spread them around for everyone else to get annoyed with too. 🙂

On the upside.. I am getting acquainted with the job, and making good impressions to everyone I’ve come in contact with. It’s been extremely stressful some days trying to retain all the information thrown at me. Hopefully this job will take me the places I want to go and open the opportunities I’ve been looking for.. it’d be nice to finally have a real “grown-up” job. I’d like to be able to provide for my family the way my parents did for us.

It’s been 50 weeks on the “I Love You Project”. Two more weeks will make a year, and it’s gone by so quickly. I had an old friend (old for friend years, not old age years — just in case she’s reading this) tell me that she didn’t think there was anyway  I could do this and not be changed, then asked how it’s changed me. I did alot of self-reflecting and realized just how much  it had changed me. I am so much more aware now of everything going on around me, and the relationships I create every day. Every single person I come in contact with is an opportunity to change some one’s day. I’ve been told it’s spread and others are using the “I love you” messages to heal relationships and secure tighter bonds with family and friends. I don’t know if I’ll continue doing it every day, or if I’ll try to move on to something else. I do know this whole thing has made me feel as though there’s a bigger purpose to what I should be doing and made my life feel less remedial. I also feel as though I’m moving in the direction I’ve wanted my life to go since high school.

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