I love you because you are brutally honest…

I have a hero, several actually. But this one in particular means an extra lot to me. She shows me how I should be, as a mother, friend and individual. Her wisdom is something I admire but have never told her directly ( I don’t think anyway). Her grace and forgiveness are traits I hope I have, sometime feel like I do. When she tells me something, I don’t think she realizes it, but her opinion actually tends to stick in my head a great deal. Lately, this amazing woman, who though busier than most people I know, and still finds time to encourage me beyond what I could ever expect from anyone, has managed to make another huge impact in my soul. She randomly tells me exactly what I need to hear, even if I don’t like it, and reminds me that even when I feel like the biggest screw up ever, that I’m still redeemable. And best part yet, she is encouraging me to follow my dreams. Not just dream them and hope to land somewhere in the middle, to reach them and use them in the way I wanted to. I’m going to write, ad publish. Thank you to her, I am going to quit giving up on things that I feel like I want to do over things I feel like I have to do. And maybe soon I can touch my dreams for real.

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