I love you because you are real…

Bai bai. Cheerful, quick and very distinct. Such a familiar sound, that long ago has been recorded deeply in my subconscious. I’m able to recall in on command, and it immediately triggers a thousand memories. Each and every one a happy thought that gives me warm fuzzies. It’s also a sound I have taken for granted for the last 33 years. Another hero of mine.

Someone that I know I can turn to for help of any kind, for any reason. From fixing a leaky faucet to diaper rash to blunt but truthful relationship advice, solicited or not. Most of the time, the answers to my sometimes simple, sometimes complicated questions are unconventional. Those are my favorites, and the ones I am making sure my children know. Only knowledge that could come from someone who has lived long enough to tell you they have seen and been through it all. I’ve seen the pictures and heard the stories, knowing everything is quite the journey through life. I grew up visiting often, learning more every visit how to be better at whatever I did, because that’s just what they do. I would watch this person with the awe and wonder of how could they do all this. My child mind grew up believing they could do anything, and to this day, I still believe that.

I often would ask, how could they make doing and knowing everything look so easy. I knew that every time I saw them, there was the most comfortable chest and lap to snuggle into. Or the best hug I could hope for. I was rocked to sleep with a song accompanied by a rhythmic pat on the butt. Which is exactly how I put my babies to sleep. Smacking the bottom a little harder than the other mothers do, because it works better, I’ve seen it. They gave me unwavering faith that if I was told to wrap banana peel around a wart to remove it, that it absolutely would do as expected. I learned nothing goes to waste, even those things you’d wished you could just dump in the trash. They know uses for common household objects, that were endless. I will always have Vaseline, baking soda, and WD40 on hand for bee stings, creaky doors, duct tape remains.

Knowing my family began with this strong, funny, super-woman that has given us superior genetic contributions, makes me feel like I have to work hard to live up to family standards. She is my wonder-woman. Always has an answer, not just words, but solutions that solve. I have looked up to her for as long as I can remember. She is my own personal google, knowing just as much and way faster when the electricity is out. I love her endlessly. Her opinions have shaped many decisions that make me who I am. I doubt she knows the extent of the impact she has had on me, and continues to have, or the joy I’ve had in continuing her genetic line. Anxious and excited to proudly show off each of her new great-grandchildren moments after they were born. She has passed along talents that are strong in art, creativity, compassion, and humor. The legacy she has built is solid and deep and will continue for generations. I know I don’t say it as often as I should, and I haven’t been the greatest at making sure our relationship is as close as I want all the time, but I know no matter how much time has passed my grandma is always there for me. Cheering, prodding me on, and making me see overly-complicated things in a clear, simple way. I cherish our relationship and don’t tell you often enough how much you mean to me, or how much I want to make you proud of me. I love you Granny.

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1 Response to I love you because you are real…

  1. dstockto says:

    So awesome. I hope you’ve shown her or will show her.

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