Tragedy into comedy..

Yesterday, I lost my job. Because of politics, maybe because of my family situation, maybe because things just happen for a reason. I will not let this ruin me, I will continue to do what I do and make sure my family is ok. I will, in time, be grateful for this opportunity to move, fearlessly in a different direction. I will continue with my project and believe that feeding other people emotionally will in turn fulfill me in a way nothing else can.

I’m at my baby brother’s wedding today. As I watch my brother stand up and share his own thoughts and feelings with his new wife, I found myself somewhat shocked. Here, standing before me in a perfectly fitting suit, looking older than I last remember him being, was the boy I grew up with, fought with, and admired. The most talented boy I’ve ever known. When he was no more than 12 I remember him being able to sit and play any instrument he picked up. At the time it frustrated me so badly, I struggled to read enough notes to plink out simple tunes on the piano. Shortly after discovering his musical awesomeness, he revealed he is also an unparalleled artist. His musical and art talent and comedic genius brought, and brings joy to anyone that has ever had the pleasure of getting to know him. He never let fear of the unknown stop him, instead he charges through whatever obstacle is in his way and conquers it before it has time to struggle or know what’s going on. And sometimes, he’s cranky, but aren’t all artists? He finally found someone that can match his talents, and most importantly, his wits. Here he stands, in front of me, staring at his hour-old wife with a look I’ve only seen a select few times when we were kids. The look that he has just come upon something new to master, he doesn’t know how yet, but he knows it’s the best thing ever and he plans to commit to figuring it out until it becomes second nature and flows through him like the music he makes. Maybe instead of panicking at the chaos, I should take note from my little brother, who has quickly become a man, and see the beauty in everything. I love you because you’re focusing on what’s important and because you’re one of the most artistically talented people I know. I love you, partner of his, because for the first time I think he’s met his match and you’re perfect. Thank you to you both for feeding my soul today. I will survive.

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