I love you because you didn’t let 2016 kill you….

I haven’t been on here in awhile, sorry about that.

Life is just life. 2016 held some of the greatest challenges I’ve ever faced… up till now… for some reason I don’t think the challenges will get any easier. But riding the wave of these mountains has been interesting. I’m learning more about myself and those around me, and mostly about what’s important. Time is so precious. Family is even more so. I thought I was ok with the level of relationships in my life, but they weren’t substantial, they weren’t something that really was impacting either of us. I want to positively impact every person I come across, whether I’ve know you for years, or just a brief moment.

So, while many of you have announced that 2016 was the worst year ever. I look back and realize I’ve had 365 days of chasing sunrises, deep breaths with deep reflections that have allowed some past hurts to heal and bridges to be mended. It’s a start, but I’m looking forward to every single day I get, starting with tomorrow, every day. Your new year will be a direct reflection of your attitude and how you choose to spend your time. I am attempting to be on here more, but I’ve also started some other projects I will get into later. Have a beautiful New Year and reflect on all the amazing things you did this last year. Because you are pretty fantastic, you perfect, hot mess. Be proud.

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