I love you because you struggle…

To you

I see you, when you walk around every day and tell everyone that you are fine. Your ability to put a smile on your face surpasses anything I can understand. I see you when you are beaten down, how you quietly hold onto your pain, so as not to bother anyone else with it. I see you when you swallow tears because you feel useless, because that’s what you’ve let others make you feel like you are. I see you get hit emotionally and mentally, over and over… only to pick your stubborn little ass up to face your challenges again with determination that is unmatched. I see your pain, I see your despair and desperation.. though you try so hard to hide it.

I see you.

I need you to know I see your strength. I see your undying devotion. I see your desire for better, your willingness to grow. I see that you are capable, of everything everyone always told you you weren’t. I see your compassion. I see your brilliance. I see your potential. I see where you could be, if you’d let yourself.

I wish you would stop listening to the people that don’t want you to fly, because you can. And you will. And until you learn to do it on your own… I’ll be here telling you how incredibly amazing you are. You are enough. You are my hero.

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