I love you because you told me I was nothing…

I am better.

I am better than those who try to fit me within their parameters,
Their tiny minds failing to understand who I am because of where I’ve been.

I am better than marks on a page or in a book,
Analyzed by someone that will never know me,
And probably doesn’t know themselves.

I am better than a statistic.
I refuse to be a number, fading into history without making more of an impact than a percentage mark.

I’m better than the drugs that used to define me.
Define not only me, but my relationships, friendships, and decisions.

I am better than yesterday,
Because yesterday is just that, in the past.
And the me that was there, no longer exists.

I am better than those things you told me I would never be,
Because I can do anything, even if I haven’t tried yet.

I am better than my mistakes, even the ones I made today,
They will shape who I am tomorrow.

I am better than what you will ever see in me,
Because the only person that can hold my value, is me.

I am better than that failure,
Because it taught me to try again.

I am better because I love who I am,
And if you can’t understand why or when you tell me I’m not,
It won’t matter,
Because I am better than the me that you see.

I am better than the lies you fed me for so long,
They built a false empire that I can blow down with one breath.

I am better than the way you treated me for so long.
The abuse.
The neglect.
The loneliness.

I am better because I can.
I am better because I will.
I am better because I am.

I am better than who I was, and I will be better than who I am becoming,
Because of you, I know I’m better.

Maybe if you knew your value, you would be better too.

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