I love you because you’re brand new…

The holidays are over for the most part. All that’s left is the occasional bow or shred of wrapping paper forgotten in the corner, and the constant “how was your holiday?”. Every person I run into, seems to want to ask that question. Does anyone really want to know the answer unless it’s full of rainbows and butterflies? Probably not. My holiday was awesome, thanks to a few very amazing people, Santa Clause visited the kids and was very generous to them. My job, however, is to put the focus on you. How was your holiday? And I do care about the answer.. if you happen to say “not so hot this year” or hesitate with your reply, I’ll probably follow up with a “what can I do to make it better?”. I’m tired of the conditioning that we (all mankind) have gotten into where if we chose to be polite (because that courtesy is quickly disappearing as well) it’s rarely if ever genuine. It’s sad. I challenge you to ask someone how their day was once a day for a week and actually care about their answer, it might change you. Sorry for the rant.

New Years Day came and is almost over, and pretty uneventful. I actually fell asleep last night at 11:50.. getting old is kinda boring sometimes. It did, however, get me thinking about New Years resolutions. These are mine, feel free to steal, modify or offer suggestions.

  1. Continue with the I Love You project by doing one unexpected kind act every day through 2011 and creating a minimum of 3 Love Books throughout the year (Will explain Love Books later)
  2. I will laugh everyday at myself, and find something to laugh at once a week so hard my stomach hurts
  3. I will eat less chocolate.. or take more magnesium.. whichever makes more sense at the moment
  4. I will tell my husband every day why I’m glad I married him and make sure he knows everything he does for me is appreciated
  5. I will make more individual time for each of my kids, especially the one that wants a boyfriend…
  6. I will talk to at least one stranger everyday and learn at least their name and something unique about each of them
  7. I will cook at least 7 times
  8. I will try to visit family in OK, and friends in AZ, CA and TZ
  9. I will offer available free time to the people that matter the most, instead of work

So, that’s the start, some of them are pretty generic.. but they’ll work for now. I’m sure I’ll be changing and updating. So, the Love Book is a book made up of notes, letters, and lines from friends, family or co-workers telling the receiver why they are important to them or things they do well. They can be 5 pages or 50. The goal is to give the receiver something to look at when they’re feeling badly or less than amazing. My way of motivating when I can’t be there to tell them how awesome they are. Side note.. I got all the service letters out, as of the 30th. The last one seemed to take forever. Hopefully when I get pulled over next time it will be by someone that got a letter from me.

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