I love you because you push the boundaries

Lots of people talk about living today like it’s the last one. Wouldn’t most of us be out somewhere doing something either really stupid or really dangerous? I know that after I had said goodbye to family and friends, I would probably try sky diving.. or maybe go jump in the big tank with the sharks, just to see what it’s like. Maybe what “they” really mean is that you should live it being grateful for everything you have and things in your life like this is the last day you’ll have them. I take that as quit wasting time, if you have the opportunity to see family out of state, go see them. If your sister calls and wants to have dinner, go.. don’t put it off for a month. Seizing the moment isn’t as easy or glamorous as people make it out to be though. It’s a big part of unselfish sometimes that alot of people tend to shove way down inside under appointments, work, dates, and everything else that is important to “me”. Funny thing is… when you seize the small moments, the reward to yourself is huge. Part of the I love you project is seizing the moments for other people, making sure that when I get home at night I have zero regrets for anything I’ve done all day. It helps with making big decisions as well, looking at both sides and deciding if I made a decision one way, would I regret not going the other. It often leads me to play riskier than I have in the past.

Out of the blue the other day, my oldest was kind enough to remind me that her birthday was coming up.. I’m always glad when they do that, since I tend to forget which one’s when in regards to the kids. She was nice enough to write a list of what she wanted as a gift.

#1. a girl dog from the pound that stays small forever and doesn’t shed

#2. a tag that says Sophie

#3. a bowl, food, and toy from the pet store

#4. shampoo

#5. leash and collar

After asking about the shampoo – she said it was for her, I explained she doesn’t need to put basic essentials on her birthday list, we discusses why a dog might not be a good idea right now. We don’t live in the biggest house and there’s 6 of us crammed in here most of the time. I watched her take the news and then very diplomatically ask “how will I ever learn to be responsible, if you won’t let me try”. Couldn’t argue with that and the followed promises of dishes and laundry being done without complaint. So, we seized a moment and went and got adopted by a little dog who now has comfortably made himself at home on my bed. Seizing the moment and living for today has become more of a external goal. How many people can I impact today?

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