I love you just because you don’t share my perspective

I’ve come to realize that this sucks. It’s been a nice vacation, but I’m ready to go back to work. Stressing out every week how I’m going to pay the bills due that week is getting really old, and some days the only reason I’ve found to get up and moving is that I need to be nice to someone else that day. Not my normal cheery self most days… probably why I’m not writing. Until yesterday, when I went to pick up my 6 year old from her dad’s. We were driving with the normal chatter between us after she’s been away for the weekend. Asked her how she’s doing, what she did, and start prepping her for school tomorrow. Out of the blue she asks me how much money I have in the bank. I laughed a little and told her. To me, not enough to pay any of the bills… but to a 6 year old I have “enough money to buy anything”. She went on to tell me how someday she’ll have that much money and be rich. It’s funny how a change in perspective can give you a boost. So today I woke up, knowing I “have enough money to buy anything”.. ready to take on another day!

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