I love you all the time…

We are 14 days into the new year. 14 days to make a bigger change than last year… so far, nothing spectacular. My life has managed to move drastically in the wrong direction, but I’m a survivor, and things will be ok. I avoid writing during the down times because I assume you and everyone else have enough of their own junk going on to want to read about how bad someone else’s is. You ever feel like you’re struggling to gain control of your own life, and for some reason it is just slightly out of reach, dangling and teasing you like a banana on a wire at the end of the stick. I know things will work out, they always do. Now is the time for faith, trust (even though I’m really struggling with that one right now), and hope. It was alot of fun doing the “Christmas service worker” thing, I’m trying to find something to do now. I don’t want to be one of those people that only gives on the holidays. There are people that need love and attention every day.. all year round. And for some reason, focusing on other people’s lives makes mine less important and not as rough anymore.

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