I love you because you failed…

“What does not kill you just makes you stronger”
“Growing is never comfortable”

I’ve heard both of these many times, not just referencing my life, but referencing those around me. I’ve watched other’s lives from a window outside, just as an observer, sometimes in awe, sometimes sympathetic, and sometimes with sorrow. Sometimes I’ve watched my own life this way. When there’s good times, everything runs smoothly, and nothing to oppose, the bad times seem to disappear. Comparative to when you are in labor and it sucks so bad until it’s over and then for most of us, we forget how horrible it was because the payoff is that amazing. But, every rough time seems to be a marathon test in endurance and stamina. I have failed, more times that I feel I have succeeded. I believe that life is going to take a drastic turn soon.

Nine months ago an earthquake occurred causing a complete reevaluation of the foundation of the direction of not just my life, but the rest of my family as well. I had to look at where I was going, where I wanted to go, and where the rest of them were willing to go with me. Now, today, I find myself doing it again. Looking at the direction my lief is headed and the opportunities that will come from this direction. While the decisions now are not as pressing as they were nine months ago, I do believe that they are more important.

So, we’ve set goals, some realistic, some slightly unrealistic.. all will be obtained though. I am the only person holding myself back, and the only reason I’m not going where I should be, or want to be.

Chose your directions carefully, but with the faith that no matter what you chose, you can always make adjustments to move in whatever direction your heart desires. Nothing is written in stone. You are not destined to fail.

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