Category Archives: 2011

I love you because you’re going to have a birthday

Randomness It’s so hard sometimes to find something I think is worthwhile to write about. Or positive enough that I think others will actually want to read. I’ve always hated when I have those friends that the only thing they … Continue reading

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I love you all the time…

We are 14 days into the new year. 14 days to make a bigger change than last year… so far, nothing spectacular. My life has managed to move drastically in the wrong direction, but I’m a survivor, and things will … Continue reading

Posted in 2011 | Leave a comment

I love you because you’re brand new…

The holidays are over for the most part. All that’s left is the occasional bow or shred of wrapping paper forgotten in the corner, and the constant “how was your holiday?”. Every person I run into, seems to want to … Continue reading

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