I love you because you don’t control me….

Life has this funny way of working itself out. I think I’m supposed to go in one direction and then something happens that takes me in another… if nothing else, I’m learning to embrace change, because change is inevitable. I’ve been writing to my kids every day on our message board, reminding them of things that possibly I’m trying to remember myself. So, I figured I’d share them, maybe more for me, than you.

Day 1- find your happy. No one will give it to you, no one owes it to you. When you find your happy, protect it with everything you have. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in life and others’ happiness that we forget that it’s not ours. I was no created to make someone else happy, as no me was created to make me happy. I enjoy my job, and I’m happy when I’m there, but it’s not what makes me happy. My joy is a choice, and the more you make that choice, the more unshakeable it is.

Day 2- find something to do today that’s silly and makes you giggle. There’s enough time to be serious when you grow up… then everyone forgets how to be silly. Practice it when you are young so you have the best ‘silly skill’ you can by the time the world wants you to grow up. Be goofy, giggle, be random. My favorite people are the ones that the unexpected happens, and they can laugh at themselves… those are the ones that have mastered the silly.

Day 3- today- do something for someone else that helps them. Not something you normally do, but something outside of your normal. Make someone’s day brighter, and if you can do it and they don’t know it was you… bonus. Something about secretly blessing someone else, even in ways you think are small, ripple like water. One of my favorites is to pay for someone in a drive through behind me. Or leave notes for people in hidden places… may take them weeks to find.

This life we get is so short, every day does count… and change is inevitable.

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