I love you because sometimes you’re a lot to take in…

Day 4

Be you, unapologetically and unwaveringly. The older I get, the more I realize, I’m the first person I need to be ok with me. Too often as teenagers and young adults, we get caught up in who others want or need us to be, and often this puts off getting to know yourself. It took me until my 30’s to find myself completely. The freedom it offers is unparalleled.

I told the kids this morning to be who they are, because that person is perfect. To not apologize for their own thoughts and feelings. To not squash parts of who they are because someone doesn’t like it, or can’t handle it. Teaching your kid to love themselves, is only possible when you set an example, by doing the same.

Today, and everyday… be you. Completely and freely. Unapologetically and unwaveringly. The people that will help you grow, will love you for you. Everyone else just doesn’t matter. You are far to incredible and have too much to offer to sit by and lose yourself by holding back.

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