Category Archives: 2017

I love you because sometimes you’re a lot to take in…

Day 4 Be you, unapologetically and unwaveringly. The older I get, the more I realize, I’m the first person I need to be ok with me. Too often as teenagers and young adults, we get caught up in who others … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you don’t control me….

Life has this funny way of working itself out. I think I’m supposed to go in one direction and then something happens that takes me in another… if nothing else, I’m learning to embrace change, because change is inevitable. I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you’re not dead…

Everything is different on borrowed time. What you see, smell, feel… everything feels newer, more precious. I hate that phrase, borrowed time. Isn’t all time borrowed? Going through this battle gave me renewed views on a lot in life. My … Continue reading

Posted in 2017 | Leave a comment

I love you because you struggle…

To you I see you, when you walk around every day and tell everyone that you are fine. Your ability to put a smile on your face surpasses anything I can understand. I see you when you are beaten down, … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Life | Leave a comment