Category Archives: Life

I love you because our memories are messy…

I remember holding my breathe waiting to hear each of you cry for the first time. A moment that lasted seconds and felt like years. I remember being a turd and hiding from my parents when I felt like the … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Life, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you don’t give up…

To you, my encouragers. For that moment when you typed out a well thought message. Thank you. It always comes at the exact right time. I hope others get those from you too, mostly I hope you get them from … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you can’t keep the sun from rising…

The stages of grief are something I’m familiar with, very familiar. It doesn’t happen just with loss. It happens with the possibility of loss, with disappointments, with let-down expectations. Trying to force acceptance never works quite the way I want … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you yell at me….

When you get angry, I used to think I did something wrong. Then I started to look deeper. I know you’re angry because you’re overwhelmed, it’s ok, so am I. I know you yell sometimes because you don’t know how … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Life, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you keep trying to kill me…

You know that saying “God will never give you more than you can handle”? I have heard that, numerous times over my life. What they should say right after is “the amount of faith, hope, and trust required to believe … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you gave me too much…

I’ve found myself more anxious lately. I try to avoid that feeling, usually by facing the cause head on. In this case, it seems to make it worse. Someone reminded me the other day, that there are bigger things at … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you won’t leave me alone…

I’ve never been much of one to go out, party… Or constantly have things planned. I very much enjoy doing things at home, or hiking… Alone. I lose track of time frequently when it comes to staying in touch with … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because I hated you…

Hate is such a strong word. We’re taught to not use it when we are young. Chastised for using such a strong emotion when in regards to another person. I used to think we weren’t supposed to use it to … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Life, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you made me think about dying…

I do not fear death. I fear leaving behind those that I care for and love and those that love me. There is so much to do and so little time that I have had to change my thought processes. … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you needed a break…

I was recently in a situation where I needed to be there for someone, not in the traditional sense, but in other ways.. Pick up the responsibilities so they could breathe for a minute. I love this person and did … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Life, Love | Leave a comment