I love you because you’re still sticking around…

2017… much like 2016, was full of surprises, adventures and some learning experiences.
I was sure I had met the man I was supposed to be with. Less than 2 months into 2017, he was gone. It taught me to open my eyes a little better.
I remained cancer free for 11 months.
I watched all of my kids grow and mature, some 180 degrees beyond what they were a year prior.
I made new life-long friends and said goodbye to a few others.
I lost several very close relatives and am still reminded every day how short life is.
I was given an opportunity for a career unlike any I have had before.
And I went to India. That trip, several months later, still has me somewhat speechless, unable to fully process the things I saw and did.

I see all the talk about how bad this year was.. which sounds oddly familiar to what it sounded like at the end of 2016. This year (as did 2016) was full of opportunities to grow, learn and make the choice not to stay down. I choose to not live in fear. I choose to stop doubting who I am and what I am capable of. I choose to wade through the crap news every day and see the reality instead of whatever the media is pushing. I choose to step away from my phone, social media and television and work on the personal face-to-face relationships that I was raised on. I choose to begin surprising others again, in ways they need. I choose to look at 2017 as a challenge that I conquered, just like 2016.

Have a safe, joy-filled New Year.

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