Category Archives: Life

I love you because you disappeared…

What’s really important? A job? House? Car? Kids? Money? That question is something I’ve been asking myself for awhile. I’ve been trying to “get my life together” for more years than not, since getting a life. Then, a little while … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, Life, Loss | Leave a comment

I love you just because you are just like me….

When did it become ok to treat you like you are worth nothing? When did it become normal to get told every day  that you aren’t worth the air you breathe? When did it become ok for the people in … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, Life | Leave a comment

I love you just because you broke me again and again…

I’ve been accused of caring too much. I didn’t know that was a thing, or I guess I should say even a possibility. I still don’t think that’s a possibility… I think the world doesn’t care enough. I’ve come to … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, Life, Loss, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you sucked out my brain for awhile…

I have not had any inspiration in a while. I realize that saying that may not mean a whole lot. But for me, it’s a first. Usually, no matter what is going on in my life, I always can sit … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, Life, Loss, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you killed my high…

Dreams. I used to think that everyone had at least one. That house, the one you’ll call home forever and ever, family portrait over the fireplace. That car that you always can’t help but stare at as you drive past … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you completely destroyed me…

Bad luck. All the phrases associated with it. “That person is bad luck”, “you’re having a string of bad luck”, “don’t do that it means you’ll have bad luck”, “oh, bad luck!”. I have felt those phrases in a very … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Life | 1 Comment

I love you because you burned me to inspiration…

Inspiration. The launching point of motivation and desire. Everyone gets their inspiration at different times through different outlets. Sometimes the same act or incident or thought or dream will inspire only one out of many that experienced similarly. But, isn’t … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Life, Loss | Leave a comment

I love you because you let me fail first…

I’m staring at a pool. Not one made of tile or concrete, but one that was formed naturally. It is unique like a snowflake, shaped in ways only the water it holds determines. Such a small pool of water, too … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Life, Loss, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you hold my hair when I’m puking….

I have had a full life. I thought about what I wanted to do in life, what I wanted to accomplish and the answer is always the same. At least the broad picture answer. I want to make a difference. … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Life, Love | 1 Comment

I love you because you told me I would fail…

For some reason mean people are on my mind today. Not just all mean people, but specifically the ones that have, and are in my life (whether I invited them or not). I was raised with the care and protection … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Life | 1 Comment