I love you because you won’t leave me alone…

I’ve never been much of one to go out, party… Or constantly have things planned. I very much enjoy doing things at home, or hiking… Alone. I lose track of time frequently when it comes to staying in touch with those I consider friends… And the ones I still have after all these years seem to get it. It might be months, or years between conversations, lunches or coffee. But, we pick up right where we left off the last time we saw each other and the absent time fades into the background like it was never there to begin with. I’ve had lonely nights when I forget there is more people than I seem to remember that I can call or reach out to, but even those are rare. I’ve become content with the few-and-far-between close friends I have.

Then recently, things began happening to solidify the way my thinking has been changing over the last few years. Time is so precious, and so taken for granted. This is for you, my precious few… You who make me laugh so hard I pee myself, who make me forget pain… Who put a smile on my face from the moment my eyes open and I remember something you did or said.. You ridiculous group of introvert/extroverts that have allowed me unforgettable moments and memories with you… You are so important to me.

To you.. My fighter..you are with me always… You said you’ve never give up, and things have not been easy, but you not giving up, makes me not give up and keep fighting, especially on the days I don’t want to anymore. I love you

To you.. My confidant … you checking on me, reading my thoughts before they become words (not sure how you do that), making me laugh… Every single day.. So hard I’m getting a two-pack.. I love your willingness to be a little inappropriate to generate smiles around you. I listen to your stories and realize what a strong person you are. I love that I can talk to you about anything, you are wise, and an incredible encourager. You, are one of my heroes… And a badass mf.

To you … my cheerleader… you are and always have been my cheerleader, even when I didn’t deserve it. You telling me now that I’m not alone, means the world to me. That’s all I need. I love you

To you… my protector… I know you don’t show emotions well, and that this chapter in your life scares you. You have always been my biggest influence and such an amazing person… This part will be no different. I have zero doubt in my mind that you will find your place again, and that when I need you, you will still answer every time I call and tell me you’re never too busy for me. I love you

To you … My reality… you put on a tough front.. But I’ve gotten to see the truly deep, caring person you are. I treasure the moments we have and will have.. And I know how much they are worth. The honesty you provide and knowledge that you have my back means more to me than you know. You are one of a kind, and I’m blessed to have you in my life and consider every interaction with you a gift.

To those who I never return the call… You all have been around long enough that I know we are stuck with each other for life. You patiently put up with the absence of phone calls when I tell you “I’ll call you right back”, and the life gets in the way and I don’t… For weeks sometimes. Know that you are never far from my thoughts. The memories and stories that you and I have created are ones that never cease to put a smile on my face. Thank you for the time. You are my treasures. I love you

To you… My story makers.. You all inspire me.. To never give up and continue laughing. To make those memories. To show the concern, care and love… So no one feels alone. To you this weekend… Thank you for your time. It allowed me to realize that there is a reason we have been brought together and why I consider you all second family. I adore you all… Every introverted, loud-mouth, crazy person. As a whole.. I think we’re pretty awesome together. Thanks for being uniquely awesome and allowing me to be a part of it.

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because I hated you…

Hate is such a strong word. We’re taught to not use it when we are young. Chastised for using such a strong emotion when in regards to another person. I used to think we weren’t supposed to use it to spare the other person. That we aren’t supposed to hurt them like that… But that’s not the real reason we shouldn’t hate.

Hate consumes you, not the person you are upset with. It’s a gripping emotion. It can physically change your appearance, change your personality. It can control you, if given the chance. We aren’t taught not to use that word because we are trying to get along with everyone or make everyone feel special and loved… We are taught not to use that word because of the power it carries within ourselves.

This morning I woke up feeling loss for something that has been taken for me. I felt hatred for that person. Then I realized how much energy I was spending on trying to make sure I always remembered what they did, thinking of them as a lesser being… And I’ll admit, even wishing ill on them. It wasn’t hurting them at all…. Just me.

So, this morning, I let go.

I don’t hate you anymore, I know you’re lost and alone and scared. I know you don’t know how to treat people any differently because you haven’t been given the love you deserve. But you do deserve love. On your journey toward finding it, my hope for you is that you are able to open your heart and mind to people that are trying to be there for you and use the opportunities with gratefulness and humility. I hope you are blessed with ease for a time so you can relax and be grateful for what you have. I hope that the scars that have been on you for years will begin to fade into non-existence and eventually disappear without a second thought so you stop pushing everyone away. I hope that you find that your words have more power when you use them to build those around you instead of lashing out and tearing down. I hope you find home…. Where ever that might be. I hope you are overwhelmed with the good in your life.

I’m working on forgiving you, and it may be while, but I don’t hate you anymore. We both deserve better. This one is for you.

Posted in 2016, Life, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you made me think about dying…

I do not fear death. I fear leaving behind those that I care for and love and those that love me. There is so much to do and so little time that I have had to change my thought processes. So, I have been, for some time now, trying to live every day like it could be my last… Or the last for those I love. For years this mentality has become less of a passing thought and more of a permanent post in the back of my mind. It is reshaping the core of who I am.

I have always been quick to forgive, or so I thought. I would try to make amends with everyone as soon as possible. What I didn’t realize was that sometimes, others don’t want to make amends… Then it became my burden. Trying to make things right with someone isn’t bad, but it isn’t forgiveness. That is a one person activity. My thought process changed… I was no longer chasing people down where animosity was and instead I would take a deep breath… Realize that whatever transpired happened to them as well. And instead of waiting for an apology, that even if or when it did occur, most likely was never going to be the one my emotional self was longing for, and I begin to let it go…. Truly forgiving them. I’m not sure when the mentality changed with me from ‘make them not mad at me anymore’ to ‘if they died tomorrow, would I regret holding this pain’. I know I may never see them again, but my end free of the weight of whatever I was holding… And that’s the only thing that matters.

I used to worry all the time. I would focus on everything that could go wrong.. Always. And it did. I was unknowingly planning out every catastrophe in my mind. The ‘what-ifs’ would always become a reality… Chaos was the norm. So much so, that when the good moments happened they were so covered in the worry, I would subconsciously sabotage them. Someone once told me that if I didn’t have bad luck I wouldn’t have any luck at all. It wasn’t bad luck, it was me, creating the world around me to my deepest fears. I still worry sometimes… But no longer about the future, but instead about the right-now.. And only sometimes. Bad things still happen, but I’m not going to dwell on what might be when what is is just that… It’s the now… And if this is the only day I have or someone I love has, I’m going to fill it with laughter, adventure, and memories.

We get so caught up in life, days turn into weeks that turn into years. You look back and wonder where the time went. Do you ever feel like you wasted some of that time? Do you look at entire years and they’re a blur? Have you been unable to let go of that one thing… that has been rooted and eating part of your happy, for way longer than you deserve? Because you deserve happy. You deserve freedom from those who have hurt you. You deserve weightlessness. You deserve more than you give yourself credit for.

I do not fear death. I fear wasting one breath on something I don’t have to. I refuse to focus on anger, hatred, worry, unforgiving and the ‘what ifs’. Today might be the last opportunity for adventure for you or someone close to you. Make it count. Makes memories. Let go of that thing you’ve been holding onto and do it for you.

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you broke the mold…

I thought you would be here yesterday….14 years ago. But after a few hours of false promises, I quit hearing from you and fell asleep in the early hours. I wanted to see you so badly, terrifying as it was to think I would finally meet you. I wasn’t sure how I was going to handle it, but I knew meeting you was the right choice. I should have known that night of false promises was leading to follow through the next day.

I didn’t know what adventures meeting you would finally bring. More fear than ever, because you were so special from the moment I saw you… I knew you were different. I didn’t know if I could be what you needed me to be for you.

You made your path, lived by your own milestones…. Never living to others standards, but far exceeding anyone’s expectations. You didn’t talk to me, until you were good and ready, but somehow always found a way to communicate exactly what you wanted or needed.

You became a sidekick for your older sister as soon as you learned to walk, mind readers for each other that still amazes me today. You are best friends with the others and their need for your presence grows every day.

You are the peacemaker. You are the steady, the reliant, the consistent.

You stole my heart in ways I never thought would be possible, with memories I replay over and over in my head. I live for the moments you come to me for hugs, or just to sit together. You smile melts my heart.. Ever. Single. Time. Especially the occasional mischievous one.

You are my sunshine, in so many ways, my hope, my secret treasure.

And you…. Are absolutely perfect.

Happy birthday

Posted in 2016, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you needed a break…

imageI was recently in a situation where I needed to be there for someone, not in the traditional sense, but in other ways.. Pick up the responsibilities so they could breathe for a minute. I love this person and did it without a second thought. The timing though wasn’t idea and I was already exhausted. I used to be able to watch the sun rise every morning, then schedules changed and daylight savings started and I missed most of them. Until a few days ago. Because if this person, I got to watch some of the most amazing sunrises I have seen… Reminding me that everything happens for a reason. Watching the sun rise lets me remember that ever single morning I wake up is a blessing and I shouldn’t waste it. I got a breathtaking, never-repeated painting for 30 minutes… Personally made, just for me. The pictures I took don’t do it justice… But usually pictures don’t. Circumstances, though they may seem not ideal at the moment…. Are always for a reason. I needed a reminder that not only is it ok to breathe, but be grateful that I get that opportunity, and don’t take one second for granted. I know this person was having a hard time… But I hope they know that everything was done with perfect timing and I needed those early mornings, just as much as they needed to step away for a minute. They are one of my heroes, pushing along when everything seems like it would be better to give up. They are someone I pull inspiration from and remind myself, if they can do it, so can I.

I truly hope you know how appreciated and important you are and should the opportunity arise… I will gladly watch a sunrise, any day, for you.

Posted in 2016, Life, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you don’t need me anymore…

My heart is broken. I had been preparing for this moment for your entire life. People warned me that I wouldn’t be ready… Instead of preparing myself, I did my best to make sure you were. I tried my best… Even though most of the time it felt like I was pretending to know what I was doing… You are smart, have been since the beginning. I was afraid if you knew exactly how clueless I was… You would be just as scared as I was. I tried to remind myself, frequently, that I was new at this… To give myself a break… But then the realization of the burden that I was entrusted with would be overwhelming and I would go back to pretending like I had it under control… So only one of us would be terrified. Most days felt like I barely made it.

Life happened. To both of us. And it happened hard. Harder than I expected, and took us to places I never thought we would be and certainly didn’t deserve. But, together, you and I, somehow, not only survived, but thrived.

I don’t know when it happened.. When you started thinking for yourself, making your own decisions… When you stopped looking to me for guidance and reassurance. Seemed like overnight… But looking back, I’ve encouraged it since the moment I met you.

The most terrifying thing was to realize you are becoming exactly what I had hoped you would be. An independent thinker, a survivor, a game changer, a leader, and influencer… Smart, gorgeous, compassionate, loving, and terrifyingly strong. It’s what I wanted for you, what I stressed over and hoped for you, so many times. Trying to make sure you knew right from wrong, that you were aware of others in need and wanted to help them, aware of your presence and how it affects others.

As you continue to grow, and become even more independent, you will begin to realize your story will change lives… Not just your own. You will begin to mature into the gifts and talents you have been nurturing since birth. You will become more than I could have hoped as you move into adulthood…and I will learn to let go. You are becoming everything we all worked so hard to help you become.

I wasn’t ready for you to leave, but I’ve been preparing you since you were born for this moment. I didn’t think it would happen so soon and your absence leaves a void I don’t think will ever be filled. I’m proud of you and who you are becoming. I am proud of you for exercising your independence. Thank you for telling me you love me and reassuring me that you’re fine, and that you’re happy… I know all that.. But I still need to hear it. Because every time I look at you I still see the sweet little girl that, when things became impossible, would climb in my lap and tell me “just me and you mommy, we can do anything”, and baby girl… You can.

Posted in 2016, Life, Loss, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you can paint words….

I don’t know who coined the phrase ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’… But I feel like it has seriously taken away the power of words. So often you see people, at an event, or a situation.. No one bothers looking through their own eyes anymore.. Everything is seen through the eyes of a lens, or a smart- phone screen. No longer do we pass down memories through stories… We share pictures on social media. The mass amounts of experiences are captured every different angle, edited and taken until it’s exactly what we want everyone else to see. No longer is it the truth, it’s a skewed version of reality. The one we want to share. Embarrassing moments no longer something we blush about… But instead find a way to put a spin on it to make it ‘cooler’ or funny to our friends or those we are trying to impress or care show interest in our lives. Endearing moments are no longer something we fondly look back at… They are forgotten, digital photos, shoved into an electric file in long term memory on a stick or hard drive… Rarely, if ever to be pulled up again. After all, the birthday party you wanted to remember has 2000 photos or more you’d have to search through to get that one or two you can’t exactly remember the details for. So they just sit. Waiting for the eventual storage they will end up in and our grandchildren will never go through such archaic technology for memories that have zero connection to them. As the art of engaging someone in a story to pull them in to share that experience has been long forgotten.

I frequently tell my kids, it’s about the stories.. The memories you make. I am just as guilty as everyone else. Watching a beautiful sunset… Capturing it on my camera, with all the intentions of doing something with it later. Something I’ve realized though is, no matter what I see when I see it, at that moment before I snap a picture, when I look at the picture again, it’s never the same. Never as brilliantly colored. Never as sharp. Never as breathtaking. It doesn’t give me the same gasp that the original did. Nor does it have the same effect that I want it to on anyone else I show. Because of this, I’ve started to enjoy what I see, make a conscious decision to set down the camera and instead, start building the picture I my head, using words. It’s an art form, quickly disappearing.. Doubt me? Ask anyone under the age of 25 to tell you a story…. Any story, in their own words. Without this skill, imagination is leaving, beauty is being dulled and cheapened. I’m not saying there isn’t a place for pictures. I’m saying they are replacing social functionality when overused. It’s dumbing down the next generation.

A picture is worth a thousand words… Maybe when pictures were new, unknown territory. When, instead of telling someone how to close a suture.. A picture could answer questions, give guidance when explanations are difficult. Words have been shoved to the side, shown as unimportant, slang, misspellings, all pointing to the lack of respect given our main link to our past and future. Good story-tellers are becoming harder and harder to find. I’m not talking about the story content either.. I’ve read amazing ideas, that were so poorly written, it was hard to finish the book. And likewise, I’ve read horrible ideas that the words ran like melted butter over the pages, one into the next, until I was done and realized I could never compare to the author… As the story I had just finished, no matter how I tried to explain it, coming from me, sounded like a snooze-fest.

I want to write like that. I want to draw someone into the picture I’m painting with my words that the book takes them away to another place completely, so that when the end is reached, it’s a painful goodbye as they move back in to their lives, remembering it like a favorite vacation. I know this takes practice. The more I practice telling stories, the more engaging they become. They better they will be. That’s the beauty of stories… Everyone gets better the more they do it.. And we are raising a generation that has never even had a chance to try.

A picture might be worth a thousand words, but a thousand words can paint a masterpiece that is differs for every person that reads or hears it.

Posted in 2016 | Leave a comment

I love you because you weren’t part of my plan…

You were my secret. A surprise that shouldn’t have happened, at the one moment I thought I was finally moving in the direction I wanted and needed to go. Beginning to accomplish the things that I hoped would give me a better foundation to support my family. I had just ended a relationship so I could focus on the courses coming up on my new college enrollment.

I got to hear frequently what a failure I was. An inept parent. That I would never be enough for my kids. That I would struggle every day, for the rest of my life. Then I found out about you. Mixed emotions were frequent at the beginning. I was facing this alone. Unable to tell anyone, because my “negative comment” box was full… Had been for some time. So I kept you my secret. I didn’t know how I was going to do it, I would wake up often scared, overwhelmed and alone. So many little faces depended on me already, and now there was going to be one more.

People say it was unplanned, but I don’t think I knew what my plan was. I think you made my plan. You were due late May, 40 weeks after I started college. In March, I finally couldn’t hide you anymore and I began telling people. Reactions were expected, most just shook their heads and sighed, muttering “really… again?”, under their breath. It hurt, but I already had grown attached to you, my little secret, and I couldn’t wait to meet you.

All those late nights, after working, staying up to do homework, we would talk. Just you and me. I told you about the offers to take you away, the rebukes that I should have made a different choice than to give you life, the disappointment I felt thrown in my direction from many sides. I told you then, that I would always protect you, be there for you and love you with everything that I had. And that it didn’t matter what anyone else had to say, you were mine.

The month of March included several unexpected trips to the hospital, and it became clear, you probably weren’t going to wait until May. You didn’t, and mid April… I got to meet your beautiful face, in a moment I will never forget.

You, my little secret, made my life and our family complete, in so many ways. I am blessed that you are mine, proud of the man you are becoming, terrified you are growing up too fast, and grateful that someone else’s plan included dropping you into my life at the one moment I needed you the most.

I love you, my secret, happy birthday.

Posted in 2016, Love | Leave a comment

You could have given up, but you are my hero…

I watch you begin to make moves I never thought you were capable of. Only to be faced with a set back. Not an “I lost my job have have to find a new one” set back, but one that almost took your life. I watch you struggle every day, to find your normal again, and it would break my heart, except I watch your strength and your perseverance and instead, you are my hero.

I watch you, everything you held dear, ripped away, against your will. Forced to being a new life, in a new place. As soon as you gain ground, something else comes up and sets you back. You get knocked on your ass, and every time you get back up, there is still a spring in your step. You fight for what you believe in. You win the hardest ones to win over with your truth, and inability to give up. Your actions are the reason I believe every word out of your mouth and you are my hero.

I watch you, for many years, put your loved ones first, above all else. Sacrifice your time to make sure those you love want for nothing. You’ve earned your rest and you are my hero.

I watch you, believe the best in those you love, over and over, even when they show anything but. I have learned to rescue from you, and I can give many chances and still remain loyal, because you showed me it’s ok to do that. You are irreplaceable and you are my hero.

I watch you, learning to exercise your freedom. I hold my breath every time you make a choice I know will hurt you, but I know it’s something you have to do, on your own. I am proud of who you are, and who you are becoming. I wanted you to be an independent thinker, thoughtful, caring, kind, generous, and strong. Some life experiences gave you some of those, but the rest you have become. You are a fighter and you are my hero.

I watch the three of you, your families, your lives. I used to feel like an outsider, but I know I’m just a corner piece to the puzzle we all make. Rounding it off nicely. All you all add more pieces to that puzzle, I couldn’t be more impressed with your choices, they fit perfectly, as if they were meant to be. I wanted my life to be put together even half as well as yours someday, but then I realized… Corner pieces look different for a reason. I wouldn’t be me, if you all weren’t you and you are my heroes.

I watch you, you were an answer to something I wanted since I was 4. You an I bonded over secret pasts and whispered pain. I can’t imagine ever not having you in my life, you are my sister and you are my hero.

I watch you, breaking new ground and being a leader in what no one will call our generation’s civil rights movement. I am proud to call you my oldest friend and you are my hero.

And I watch you, the fighters, survivors, innovators. I watch when you don’t let circumstances hold you down. I watch when you come out stronger than you thought you could ever be. I watch when you put all your eggs in one basket and are ok no matter if it doesn’t work as you planned, you inspire me, and you are my heroes.

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment

I love you just because you are imperfect…. In a perfect way

Dear younger me,

On being an adult.

Slow down. You couldn’t wait to be grown up, and in doing so, made your life much harder than it needed to be. There were so many things you wanted to do, and you wanted them all now… Trust me.. It’s ok to do them one at a time, and slowly… Enjoying the experience.

Eating frosted flakes every morning because no one is telling you not to, will catch up with you eventually. But before it does, eat everything… Your taste buds are changing and your maturity in food will surprise you. Try every food that you have an opportunity to at least once. Don’t reject Rocky Mountain oysters because you know what they are, it’ll make a good story later.

That bed time you couldn’t wait to get away from… You will miss it.. And naps. Try to get a schedule and give yourself a bedtime, it will make the work week much easier.

Own at least one pair of shoes that you like to put on just to look at yourself in the mirror. Better yet, own at least one outfit that you can put on and know you are sexy as hell.

Matching your underwear and bra doesn’t really matter… It just makes laundry day more difficult.

Keep embarrassing secrets for your friends… They will return the favor. If they don’t, they shouldn’t be in your life. Cover for them too, if they need you. There’s a lot of value in a friend who you can count on to get you out of a bad situation.

Be loyal, no one is anymore, and when you find someone who is loyal on the same level, that is a friend for life.

Don’t feel the need to tell everyone everything about you the first time you meet, or the second or the third. Sometimes you learn more about yourself by listening to other people’s stories.

If there is an opportunity to make a story or memory, take it.. Always.

Anything can turn into an adventure, if you’re open to it.

I know you’re tired, but the kids won’t remember how great you were at going to work, they’ll remember the picnic dinners on the living room floor, the midnight runs to the grocery store, the hide and seek at the movie theater after close, mostly the time you spent paying attention… to just them. That goes for friends too. There’s a lot of chances to party , but if you really want to make memories, do something intimate, unexpected and real.

Do something you have been terrified to do, at least once. You will feel like a total badass afterwards. And that high is better than anything.

Don’t look at bad situations as “bad luck” or with bitterness. Look at them as the world finding places you aren’t as strong as you could be… it’s endurance and strength training.

Regret nothing. This one takes a little bit of forward thinking. When you enter a situation, you have to think about the results and aftermath. If you can do that and still go into it knowing that even if it doesn’t work the way you want it to, it will be fun, or teach you something, or make a story…. You can live regret free.

Breathe…. Just because you’re smart, doesn’t mean everyone else is. Common sense isn’t something everyone is born with…. And unfortunately, sometimes there is no fixing stupid, but it doesn’t mean they deserve any less compassion or patience or love.

Don’t ever stop wanting to learn something new. Even when you feel too old, or are told you are too old, do it anyway. You want to pursue your childhood dream of being a junior high school counselor at 50… You are the only one stopping you.

Find a way to make money that makes you smile at least 75% of the time… Every job will have bad days, but the good days and fun should far overshadow them.

And don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do something. Or you can’t make a living doing something you love. If you stay steady on this course and open your mind to opportunities you never thought you would like, or didn’t think were an option… You will be surprised at the places you’ll find yourself and the jobs you’ll love, but you never would have considered.

Love with everything you’ve got, but be prepared… Many people aren’t capable of loving the way you are, they will let you down. So love with no expectations.. But first learn to love yourself. You are a pretty fantastic person, with amazing drive, brains, skills, talents, humor, and a lot to offer the world. And when you find someone worthy, they will stick around.

Don’t take it personal that your badass-self scares a lot of people away.
Confidence makes the unworthy uncomfortable. When there is one that is worth your time, your confidence and self worth will be a bigger attraction than anything else you have to offer.

Give respect, without it being earned, and expect it. Do not lower yourself to someone else’s standards because they feel like the world or someone owes them.

No one owes you anything, every single situation you get yourself in to, is because of you. No one else. Once you realize that, you will be able to relax and make less bad decisions.

Make friends with older people, especially when you get into your 20s, something happens to who you are in your 20s.. That even if I tried to tell you, I’m not sure you would believe me. Older friends will have wisdom… Which is the one thing you really want out of all of your 20s, and 30s… And beyond.

Find younger friends too… One that you can be the cool, older friend with. Not cool like buying them alcohol, but cool like open minded, understanding and there, no matter what, because you know what it was like wherever they are.

That friendship will spans decades. And instead of being the older/younger relationship, you will learn a lot from them too, and become best of friends.

Don’t get discouraged when it feels like you are the only one reaching out to people, relationships and friendships have seesaw balances, if they matter to you, and you reach out and they make time for you… It’s worth it.

Don’t settle for mister or missus Right Now, it’s ok to take some time to fall in love with yourself and be ok being alone. It is the one thing I wish you would have learned sooner. There’s something empowering about being ok alone that nothing else can give you. And once you have it, no one can take it away.

Don’t do anything in excess. And don’t do things because everyone else is. It’s ok to be different. Your sense of humor and personality are all you need… And your ability to learn things on the fly… This one will become important unless you can learn to control your mouth when someone tells you you “can’t” do something.

Laugh, every day.


I know you were told not to, but talk to strangers… When you’re happy, and you will figure out how to be every day as soon as you realize what awesomeness you are, your happiness brightens everything around you. Talking to strangers spreads it like a fungus. It’s good for both of you.

Listen to your instincts. Always. I can’t stress this one enough, if you would realize that your inner voice tells you more than anything else… It will save you a lot of heartache, headaches, and stress.

Don’t take anyone or anything for granted, ever.

Know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, learning what you should be, and doing what you were meant to be. See above for confirmation.. If you can find that daily happiness… Then this one will be confirmed every single day.

Sing. Loudly. Everywhere.

When you have kids, they say it goes fast… But you have no idea. They will need you less and less way sooner than you are ready. I know when they are young all you can do is think about how nice it will be for them to do things on their own… But trust me, you’d pay with an arm, just to have them want you to tuck them in at night again, or read a story together, or show you some painting that looks like a bad trip on acid, but you’ve been told it’s a painting of you.

You won’t be ready to let them go before they are 30… If ever. But you have to learn to do that or risk pushing them away. You have to trust that just as you know how awesome you are, and how awesome they are, that you did right by them and they will be ok.

Your kids will learn more from watching you than they will from anything else.

So, if you have daughters, make sure they see you being treated right, make sure they see that you love yourself, body and all. Make sure they have an environment that encourages learning, and that they can be unstoppable, because they see you being that way, make sure they know what right and wrong is and that it’s ok to demand respect.

If you have sons, make sure they know how to treat a woman like a lady, make sure they love themselves because they see you love yourself. Make sure they want to be better, stronger and capable because you are. Make sure they know how to treat their significant others because you expect to be treated right in your relationships.

Apologize to your kids. They need to know you are human too.

Let them know you aren’t an expert, and you will make mistakes, but as long as you’re together as a family, you will figure it out .

Make sure they know you are always on their team, cheering in their corner, and never judgemental.

Make your home a safe place, not only for them, but for their friends as well.
Never underestimate the value or power of being non-judgemental. In today’s world.. It will be another major attractive thing about you.

Forgive often, forget as much as possible, never hold a grudge. Eat what you want… In moderation… Being super skinny isn’t worth the bitchiness that comes with the constant hunger.

Be patient with your teenagers… You were them to your parents not that long ago.

Apologize to your parents, a lot. Help them out whenever you can, regardless of what that looks like, because you owe them for not killing you.

It’s ok to tell others they were right, when they are, but keep the “I told you so’s ” and “I was right” to a minimum.

You will realize you have the ability to manipulate, in a dark way… Don’t. If you have to manipulate, manipulate yourself. Don’t ever be satisfied or comfortable with who you are or where you are as a person. You can always be better.

Honesty, integrity and trust are more valuable than you can imagine. Once you break them… It’s nearly impossible to gain them back. And if you did… That person really loves you… Spend the rest of your life making sure they know how much you appreciate the opportunity to earn those back.

Make art. Even if you don think you can. It’s good for your brain and soul.

Stop avoiding things because you’re scared they might work out. This will take you until your 30s to figure out… But you will get nowhere unless you take some risks.

If you fail… It’s ok… Really… You will fail a lot. But every time you choose to get back up and try again, you become more of a badass. Stronger and undefeatable.

You have the tools to do anything you want.

You are much more powerful than you can ever imagine

You will make a difference, in rippling ways you never imagined were possible.

You don’t deserve to be talked down to, or be punished, ever by anyone for any reason.

You deserve to be treated like the lady your dad taught you you are.

Your mom will be one of the biggest resources for wisdom and best friends you’ve ever had. She is also going to be your cheerleader… And set the example you want to set for you to be to your kids.

Your dad will show his inner self, when you are mature enough to see it and appreciate it. He is more compassionate, caring, and invested in you than you can appreciate right now… But you will. And then you need to tell him.

Don’t apologize for being yourself, ever. If it makes people upset… Why are you around them? I already told you what a badass you are… It’s not your job to make sure everyone else knows that, just move on.

You don’t have to allow every person you come across access to your private club… Very few will actually deserve it, and it’s your club.. You don’t need to let them in to make them like you.

This may sound contradictory, but even though I told you to slow down, you also shouldn’t give up on your crazy dreams. Those ones that no one thinks you will ever achieve. Go see the places you want to see. Make money, be responsible, but spend some of that money on memories… Not stuff. Best memories are the ones you share with those that you love. Remember that.

And always just be you.

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment