I love you because you struggle…

To you

I see you, when you walk around every day and tell everyone that you are fine. Your ability to put a smile on your face surpasses anything I can understand. I see you when you are beaten down, how you quietly hold onto your pain, so as not to bother anyone else with it. I see you when you swallow tears because you feel useless, because that’s what you’ve let others make you feel like you are. I see you get hit emotionally and mentally, over and over… only to pick your stubborn little ass up to face your challenges again with determination that is unmatched. I see your pain, I see your despair and desperation.. though you try so hard to hide it.

I see you.

I need you to know I see your strength. I see your undying devotion. I see your desire for better, your willingness to grow. I see that you are capable, of everything everyone always told you you weren’t. I see your compassion. I see your brilliance. I see your potential. I see where you could be, if you’d let yourself.

I wish you would stop listening to the people that don’t want you to fly, because you can. And you will. And until you learn to do it on your own… I’ll be here telling you how incredibly amazing you are. You are enough. You are my hero.

Posted in 2017, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you didn’t let 2016 kill you….

I haven’t been on here in awhile, sorry about that.

Life is just life. 2016 held some of the greatest challenges I’ve ever faced… up till now… for some reason I don’t think the challenges will get any easier. But riding the wave of these mountains has been interesting. I’m learning more about myself and those around me, and mostly about what’s important. Time is so precious. Family is even more so. I thought I was ok with the level of relationships in my life, but they weren’t substantial, they weren’t something that really was impacting either of us. I want to positively impact every person I come across, whether I’ve know you for years, or just a brief moment.

So, while many of you have announced that 2016 was the worst year ever. I look back and realize I’ve had 365 days of chasing sunrises, deep breaths with deep reflections that have allowed some past hurts to heal and bridges to be mended. It’s a start, but I’m looking forward to every single day I get, starting with tomorrow, every day. Your new year will be a direct reflection of your attitude and how you choose to spend your time. I am attempting to be on here more, but I’ve also started some other projects I will get into later. Have a beautiful New Year and reflect on all the amazing things you did this last year. Because you are pretty fantastic, you perfect, hot mess. Be proud.

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you are perfectly imperfect…

November 13, 2016.
I am writing this as I sit at the foot of a hospital bed that has been brought into the house my grandma has called home for several years. Her bed faces a large bay window overlooking a sizable yard, with fields beyond that. There’s frequently chickens in her view as well as a variety of colorful birds that visit the 5-7 bird feeders of the tree that centers in the window. She’s been asking for a baby fainting goat and an air horn for awhile… You can guess why. That sums her up pretty well all by itself. Didn’t give 2 shits about what anyone had to think or say… If it sounded fun to her, or funny, she would make it happen.

She can’t move easily more than a few feet from the place where she is, and hasn’t been able to for over a year. She has become the center of the household. The sun to our rotating lives. She’s been the glue, that held her kids and family together, then her grandkids and finally, her great grandkids. We all find comfort and “home” when we visit. Some know her as Betty or mom, most of us know her as granny.

Her life began, way before there was “quick, easy, instant” anything. You made do with what you had, and you didn’t complain. Because of the wide range of knowledge she possesses, she is always my go-to for home remedies, old-school ideas, never before seen recipes, and general all around advice on pretty much everything. She is an incredible mother, always giving and making sure her children were taken care of, even in the final moments.

Because of the connection and love she brought to the entire family, every time I would have a baby, I’d throw the whole family in the car and make the road trip, that used to seem to last forever, and now seems like just down the street, to bring my new baby for her inspection and approval. She loves new babies. She would sit in her chair and beat their butts until they fell asleep. Her calm demeanor and willingness to hold the new life for hours would mean I would get to sleep when I’d go see her. She never made me feel like I didn’t know what I was doing, she taught me how to be a better mom. My kids would get ring worm or lice and she would have some remedy that sounded a lot like a sacrifice to the gods or some other witchcraft, but they always worked. Or if I called her in a panic because someone’s tooth went through their lip, she’d calm me down and tell me to get some ice on it, make sure there wasn’t tooth in the wound and just wait for the bleeding to stop, she never failed to help me handle emergencies with grace and calm.

Her patience with all of us grandkids was always incredible. We grew up, my cousins and brothers, one big family in the back room of her sub shop. Peeling hundreds of eggs from a 5 gallon bucket, as payment for the food we would eat, and I’m sure run her into the negative some days. Climbing the stock shelves in the back all the way to the ceiling, making forts on rickety shelving that no parent today would even consider safe, or sleeping in the office on the 1959 couch… Most comfortable couch ever. No matter if we cleaned out the candy shelves because we could eat anything we could reach there, or came inside from the creek out back(really a water drainage ditch) muddy to our knees and wanting to show her the catch of the day… Styrofoam cup of Mini frogs…. Into her sub shop, breaking multiple health code violations with one try…she never lost her temper, never made us feel like less of a person, never made us feel less welcome. She always made us feel like our minor achievements were nothing less than spectacular. Every time

Christmas I remember the tree, she would hang it upside down from the ceiling so the little kids wouldn’t mess with it… Always with a large pile of magic underneath. She would split the presents up between all of us and I remember each pile, though the presents were different, no one ever got jealous that someone had more or better than them. She was good at “fair”.

She was always good at encouraging me to take risks, get dirty, work hard… She did.

In her old house, the one with the tree we all used to climb in, in an attempt to break something I’m sure, there were rabbits. I remember seeing them, every time I would be there… But they would change, colors, sizes… And number… It took me years to realize… She didn’t have “pets”… She was raising food. But damn, was her rabbit stew good.

We had a discussion once about the woman who buckled her kids in their car seats and drove her mini van into a lake. I tell people I don’t condone what the woman did, but I could understand how she got the the point of wanting to do what she did. I asked granny if she ever got to the point where she just needed to step away, or felt like smothering a kid. Her response, without hesitation “never”. She is stronger than I am, someone whom I strive to be more like as a mother. Gave selflessly, constantly to her children so they could have a better shot or bigger dreams.

She is the woman that encouraged me to raise my kids to be independent thinkers, not scared to get dirty, eat some dirt if you wanted to, and enjoy moments, memories.

Every time I would make the trip to see her, I know she would be the on the receiving end, ready to tell me how it was.

My haircut looked stupid.

Why do I keep letting that boy be like that to me.

I didn’t need a man.

How come I was being a dumbass.

No matter what the situation was, she would always be there, to run to, to hide with, to comfort me, to remind me to breathe.

Most of all though, is her sense of humor. Her wit always catches me off guard. Telling a hospice nurse she wanted to go for a ride, and when she was told no, she looked right at the nurse and says “why, you afraid I’m going to die”.

Me asking her if there’s anything I can do for her and without missing a beat, tells me to take a shit for her. Then when I couldn’t figure out how to do that, offering to bargain with her if she could take her own poop, I would then take one after.

Gathering the entire family in the room for what we thought was a final speech, only to tell us all that someone needed to open a race track for pigs that would double as a pool hall for teenagers during the summer so they wouldn’t get hot. Even now, laying in bed and opening her eyes to ask me if I ate today.

Her buhbye’s were always more of a “talk to you later”.

She taught me to give to the less fortunate, without questions of thanks or recognition.

She genetically made it hard for me to walk past a homeless teenager without offering a meal, or bed. We joke that it’s her fault that I have random kids on my couches most of the time.

Today, we had a conversation about how old my parents were. She asked about my dad first, I told her he was 65 or something and she said she didn’t believe me, then she asked how old my mom was, her daughter I gave her about the same age.. Her response… Wow… How old does that make me. I told her… She said huh. And that was the end of the conversation.

‘I don’t know nothin’ – would be her version of “I have nothing nice to say about that”.

She taught me to feed everyone, all the time… And if they had just eaten, feed them anyway.

She taught me to laugh… At everything. She is part of the reason when my kids fall down the stairs I giggle.

She taught me that beating everyone would solve all their problems.. I’d tell her something and her solution was always “just beat Em”. Or if she was upset at us, or what her version of upset is, she would threaten to beat the transgressors and we’d just step out of reach, giggle and run off… Knowing that she wasn’t really upset, and we weren’t really in any danger.

She would tell me I made a stupid decision and I would try to defend myself or reassure her I would recover and be fine… Her response would always be ‘I know’. She always knew better than me.

She told my mom, she was afraid no one would come to her funeral, because most of her friends were already dead. If she knew how many people she affected, how many lives she inspired, I don’t think she would have had that fear.

She is one of my heroes. Someone I thought would live forever and watching her grow weaker has been excruciatingly painful. But through it all, she kept her sense of humor, and still manages to keep all of us on our toes.

So, today, when she says she wants to go home, face full of pain, we tell her it’s ok. You can go home, we’ll see you later. Buhbye granny.

December 18, 2016

At 1:40am this morning, I lost my first invincible woman. I thought she would live forever. She was tougher than anyone I knew. I’m glad she won’t suffer anymore, I’m glad she’s not confined to a bed, constantly fighting with her own mind, trying to find peace and freedom. She is at rest, but it’s going to be hard, not being able to pick up the phone and ask her questions, not running grand babies to her, not instantly hearing her when I walk through the door of what was all her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren’s second home. I love you granny… see you soon.


Posted in 2016, Life, Loss, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you were a victim…

img_1122Many times in my life I’ve heard the word victim, used to describe me. I’ve had many times where I could have believed that’s all I was.
Believed that’s all I would ever be.
Life sucked.
Many moments that I never want to remember, even a little bit.
Things out of my control, happened.
For the better part of a decade and a half, that was all there was, one after another. Situations where I was “the victim”.

I got tired of being the victim. I got tired of the pity, the self-wallowing, the pats on the shoulder and empty encouragements, from those that began to see me as nothing but “the victim”, because that’s what I felt I was, that’s what I acted like, and that’s how life treated me.
Instead of viewing myself as the victim, I started to look at myself as a survivor.

I was talking to someone the other day who was having a hard time with what life was handing to them. They had been having their own personal pity party for awhile and making everyone else around them miserable. I sat down and told them in similar words to “suck it up”.
Their response was “what, you’re going to tell me I’m not allowed a pity party?”
I replied with, “sure, but you’ve moved into a permanent residence with your pity party and you need to move on.. do you see me throwing myself a pity party”.
“No, but I never told you that you couldn’t” they responded.
It took me a minute before I realized, I hadn’t given myself permission to be a victim in a long time. And I was completely ok with that. Then I realized I won’t because I’m not a victim of my situations any longer, I’m a survivor. Victims have no control over anything. They let life happen to them, kicking them wherever they end up. Survivors take control. If you can’t control the situation, you can absolutely control how you react… and that will ultimately alter the course.

You can control how it makes you feel. You can control what you hold onto. You can control how you process and pass along the experiences you have suffered through to everyone you come in contact with.

So instead of feeling like a victim, I choose to feel like a survivor. This situation and all the hard parts that come with it are only going to make whatever is next easier. So I can handle the next thing with more grace, with more class, with more positivity and strength… that honestly, if I hadn’t gone through all those things that tried to make me a victim over the last 20 years… I wouldn’t be nearly as close to being able to handle this crappy, unfair, short straw as I am.

Im not perfect, I still have bad days… but as soon as I feel hopeless, I remember, I survived all those years when things looked just as bad, different kind of bad, but just as bad. And without them, I wouldn’t have learned to take this kind of bad with the laughter and humor I find in every dark moment.

So tomorrow, when you think your world is ending, that “everything bad” happens to you… smile, wonder to yourself what amazing adventures your future holds that this moment is trying to make you tough enough to handle. Wonder who you may be able to help through their victim moments because you will survive this, stronger and untouchable like you never believed you could be.

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because our memories are messy…

I remember holding my breathe waiting to hear each of you cry for the first time. A moment that lasted seconds and felt like years.

I remember being a turd and hiding from my parents when I felt like the world was unfair and I wanted them to show me that they would miss me.

I remember raising several children, untraditionally. Dinner would sometimes be dry bowls of cereal, on the floor, so my “puppies” could eat. I’d watch all of you, on hands and knees eating with your mouths, vacuum nearby, you were the cutest puppies I could have ever asked for.

I remember every single surprise when I found out there was going to be another one.

I remember a few years of “military house”. Where you all would stand at attention for inspection before heading off to school. I think we started this because, to you it was a game, to me it was survival and the only way I could make sure you didn’t head off looking like homeless kids with dirty faces, dirty clothes and only one shoe.

I remember forgetting you all at daycare a few times. Usually a Friday evening, work would get slammed and I would lose track of time. I’d get a phone call to see if I was coming to get you 15 minutes after the last care provider should have gone home. I remember signing a piece of paper saying they had the right to call social services if I wasn’t there by that time…. But they never did. I’d always rush to grab you and then home… Where the baby sitter would be sitting in her car, lost in a book, not realizing I was late for her too.

I remember trying to find a sitter that I could trust with my most precious things, and failing, multiple times. There were some good ones. Lynnette, Caroline, and the lady that discovered the baby’s food allergy were the best. There were some bad ones… The one that stole all my underwear… That one we won’t even go into detail. Or the one that was making her own “special” videos for my husband after you were all down for a nap. I ended up taking you to work with me many times, between sitters… Because I couldn’t find anyone that was worth watching you. You all would patiently and quietly play under the sales tables with curtains and obediently be quiet and out of site if my boss would come by. But, you survived. We survived, together.

I remember leaving my first marriage in the middle of the night and had nothing but the clothes on our backs. We stayed in a women’s shelter for several months, you were the reason I didn’t feel alone and completely lost. Every time I felt like giving up, I’d get rewarded with a new word out of your mouth or a smile and I’d find the strength to continue.

I remember locking you in your car seat and locking the door to my little car, as it shut click and I walked around to get in the drivers seat, I realized the keys were in the ignition and my door was locked too. You got to meet a lot of very hot firemen that day.

I remember ‘fast baths”… Where you were all too young to care and I was too tired to spend 3 hours on your nightly baths, so you’d all line up, little, naked and giggling… Sometimes pee on the floor if I took too long with the kid in front of you. We’d just turn on the water and I’d kneel by the side of the unplugged tub as, one at a time, you’d get in, let me soap you up and then nearly drown you to rinse you off before you were given a towel to exit the other side so the next in line could get clean.

I remember driving down Colfax with you hanging out the window, excited to see the next hooker so you could yell hi as loud as you could in your sweet baby voice…. Could have killed your dad for teaching you what a hooker was.

I remember feeling like I was always behind, always failing you all. Still do. Parent guilt is constant.

I remember asking you all where Mount Rushmore was, and when the answers were scattered and after a google inquiry was made, 30 minutes later, we all piled in the car and spent 4 days getting lost. Best 4 days ever.

I remember you learning to sign things before you learned to talk. “More” and “hungry” were your favorites.

I remember finding you were going to be a straight-to-running kid when, at 10 months old, you managed to climb onto the kitchen table and made a 2 foot jump to the kitchen counter because you wanted to play in the sink.

I remember putting all of you on leashes to go to the store. You thought it was a game, I was just trying to not lose any of you. My favorite was when you would bark at women who looked down their noses at me because what I was doing wasn’t “appropriate” in her eyes.. This was the first memory I have of giving up on pleasing others in the way I parented all of you.

I remember the first time your tooth went through your lip, how worried I was that you were going to die. There was so much blood and you were so little.

I remember how you refused to pee in the toilet until we bought you sparkly princess underwear and you decided you were ‘ok’ making the toilet dirty over the prices panties.

I remember the crazy weeks of no sleep… That turned into years. I still lose sleep over you, every night.

I love the way you tell people you raised me, because, in a sense, you did. I learned just as much from you all than you did from me… Or at least I hope you learned something… Maybe how to not make everything more difficult, constantly for yourselves.

It hasn’t been easy, like ever. But we have had some good times, great laughs and fantastic adventure… And I wouldn’t trade one second, one struggle, one mess, or one success for anything.

Your turn… Make memories that you can carry forever, the bad ones make you grow, the good ones make you laugh. Trust your instincts, be random, learn to find humor in everything… Give yourself joy, no one else will. Be proud of what you have accomplished. Give second chances, you were given them. Forgive because otherwise it will steal your peace. Accomplish, finish and exceed at everything you choose to do. Be part of a solution, or find the solution if you can. When you fail, and you will, try again. Appreciate every second, don’t take any for granted, be humble, be grateful and find your wisdom in your mistakes. Trust the people that have nothing to gain or lose from your success or failures… Those will give the best advice. But mostly, make memories, my loves, because it’s the only thing that really matters.

Posted in 2016, Life, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you don’t give up…

To you, my encouragers. For that moment when you typed out a well thought message. Thank you. It always comes at the exact right time. I hope others get those from you too, mostly I hope you get them from someone. You are the reason people keep pushing on. Driving forward. You are the reason people believe in themselves in ways they never thought they could.

To you, my sunrise friend. Your messages are like opening a Christmas present. You have no idea what they mean to me, or how much you matter.

To you, my cheerleader. You have seen me at my worst, and still told me I could be the best. You are the reason I can unconditionally love. You are the reason I am “mom” to more than just my kids.

To you, my hero. You taught me to live with integrity, honor, and perseverance. You are why I push so hard, and have gotten so far.

To you my “lifers”. We may have know each other for decades, or a short time, but you and I were brought together for a reason. Our live paths crossed, and will remain intertwined in some fashion until the end. You are my comforts, my escapes. You listen when I tell you not to treat me different. You don’t know this, but you amaze me with the person you are. Our conversations are wonderful distractions… And the laughter… the laughter is my favorite.

All of you have impacted my soul. The very core of who I am and what I believe in people. Thank you for the moments, memories and shenanigans. I’m looking forward to many more.

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you can’t keep the sun from rising…

The stages of grief are something I’m familiar with, very familiar. It doesn’t happen just with loss. It happens with the possibility of loss, with disappointments, with let-down expectations. Trying to force acceptance never works quite the way I want it to, and if I don’t let my emotions and soul work through each phase as it needs to, until completion, inevitably, I end up back at the beginning. Stupid feelings.

I have been struggling with acceptance for what’s going on in my life. I’ll be the first person to tell people, if you don’t like your situation, change it. You control your future. Sometimes, you don’t control the things that happen, but you absolutely control how you handle them. I’ve been angry, a lot. Little things are making me irrationally upset. I realized this morning as I watch the sunrise, it’s because I feel helpless. But then I realized, I don’t feel hopeless.

I chase sunrises, as often as possible. Sometimes I catch them, sometimes I don’t. This morning, I am blessed to be on a west facing hill with no traffic, no city lights, no noise. I have been here before and know shortly I will hear the deer that live nearby, waking up and calling to each other. The moon’s slight sliver isn’t providing enough light for anything and darkness like this is rare, but welcome. I can see the entire Milky Way. Orion’s Belt, for some reason sticks out, no matter where I am, it’s always the first constellation I see. This morning, they are all bright.

I have hope, faith, and the understanding that everything… and I have to believe everything.. happens for a reason. Each word I speak, or is spoken to me. The shirt I picked out today. The different people’s paths I cross. The irritations in my day. The annoyances that occur. The laughter that happens. The inspiration in unexpected places. Every single breath. They are all for a reason, a purpose.

So, instead of letting myself play victim, feel sorry for myself, and wallow in the self-pity that no one would look twice at, I’m going to remember that there is another sunrise tomorrow. One that I will fight with everything I have to meet, as it peeks over the horizon. Then, I’ll take that sunrise and make it mine, spreading the same wonder and joy I feel when I catch one, wherever I end up. Because this is not by accident.

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you yell at me….

When you get angry, I used to think I did something wrong. Then I started to look deeper.

I know you’re angry because you’re overwhelmed, it’s ok, so am I.

I know you yell sometimes because you don’t know how to tell me you’re scared, it’s ok, so am I.

I know when I ask you what’s wrong, I get a different answer every time because you have trouble sorting through what you’re feeling, I’m trying to understand, because so am I.

I know that little things set you off, way quicker than they usually do. I try to understand it’s because you feel helpless like I do.

Through all of this, you still manage to smile when I really need it.

You never push me away when I ask you to hold me so I can fall apart, because finally no one else is looking. You always tell me it’s going to be ok.

I lean on you more than I’ve ever leaned on anyone, besides family. It’s a lot of weight.

So, I try to remember that this is hard on you too. And when you’re angry, it’s not at me, it’s at the situation that we can’t control, and the unknown that’s a little scary.

You give me hope, and I know if you could change this, you would. I love your strength.

Next time you get angry, instead of taking it personal, I’ll remember you’re not fighting with me, you’re fighting circumstances, and that sometimes it’s my turn to just hold you and tell you everything will be ok.

Posted in 2016, Life, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you keep trying to kill me…

You know that saying “God will never give you more than you can handle”? I have heard that, numerous times over my life. What they should say right after is “the amount of faith, hope, and trust required to believe that, is a life-long process and struggle”. Maybe not for everyone, but there are days I have a really hard time believing I’m not given more than I can handle. These days, the hopeless, overwhelming, sit-in-the-corner-and-cry days, I try to remember the impossible past.

I remember the moments I didn’t think I would survive. The moments I shouldn’t have survived. The moments that made me believe in miracles. The moments that made the hard parts worth it. The feelings of helpless or hopeless were there as well… But I made it through. Became stronger.

Today, I refuse to get lost in the hopeless.

Instead I will remember the moment I overdosed, and should have died, waking up to a phone call from my mom, because she felt the overwhelming urge to call at that moment.

I will remember every single accident I’ve ever been in and the words “you shouldn’t be alive” from the police, while I look at the impossible space I was sitting in, and now waking away from with nothing more than a scratch or bruise.

I will remember hearing “we can’t stop the bleeding” with the noticeable absence of a cry I had been waiting for 9 months to hear, only to have both change in a second.

I will remember being told a percentage chance that my child will die. Or never walk right again. I still get blown away by how beautiful she has become, how strong she is, how straight she stands.

I will remember losing friends, before they became adults. I will remember how small an infants coffin looks. I will remember thinking “why them”.

I will remember the stories, that from the moment of my birth and the knot that should have killed me, there is a reason not to give up.

I will remember that there is no reason that I should still be alive, except maybe there’s a bigger plan. And for that, I will ignore the weight, the call the give up.. And instead, I will fight with everything I have.

I will continue to believe, completely, that everything happens for a reason. People say that, but to really embrace it, you have to believe the good, bad and indifferent aren’t just random events. They are carefully orchestrated for a bigger purpose. The pain, heartache and loss, along with the joy.

This will pass and I will survive, again. And in the meantime, I will enjoy every moment that I, by all rights, shouldn’t have.

Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you gave me too much…

I’ve found myself more anxious lately. I try to avoid that feeling, usually by facing the cause head on. In this case, it seems to make it worse. Someone reminded me the other day, that there are bigger things at work and to not be anxious. Instead, be grateful.

I started focusing on all the things I can’t control and looking for the things I’m blessed from them. The more I look, the less the anxieties overshadow.

I get to get up everyday and watch the sunrise. I’m not thinking about the future, but being grateful for the right-now. I hear a train in the distance… For several intersections, he’s blaring his horn, three times at the one that doesn’t have a crossing. The 45 degree weather is waking me up better than any cup of coffee could. I can hear elk (or deer), chatting back and forth. An owl calling out to anyone and when recieving a quick answer, responding in kind. I see one lonely jet, traveling at an angle creating a brilliant orange streak, which happens to be the only color in the sky that makes me think we aren’t quite ready for snow yet.

I’m grateful I woke up today, that I get to spend it with the people that matter.

Take a moment today. Just for you. Find something quiet, beautiful and still. And instead of focusing on all the worries, find something or someone you can hold onto and be thankful for.

And just as I finished writing this, the grays and pale blues gave way in the sunrise for steaks of orange, pink and red that span the entire horizon. This, today is my moment.


Posted in 2016, Life | Leave a comment