I love you because you tried to take me down and almost did….

2013 in review…. Hindsight is 20/20, right? What if you still look back and have no idea what was going on…. Still blurry vision, maybe even blackouts. This year has been rough, no surprise there. We’ve dealt with cancer, heartbreak, loss, and so much pain. 2012 wasn’t so fun either… But this past year started in the hospital with chemo…. I should have taken that as a sign and prepared my family and I better. We did survive, and got much stronger. Everyone changed, not sure if all was for the good yet. Time will tell.

My children, survivors, the one that faced cancer and the ones that we forced, against their wills to come along for the bumpy no-seat-belted ride. It feels like I dropped a nuclear bomb right in the middle of what used to be unbreakable and after almost 3 years I’m just now able to begin to weave that bond together again. Despite all the distractions and obstacles that have been thrown at us. We can make it through anything, and will.

Clearly now I realized that during turmoil if I can keep a vigilant perspective on pouring out love to someone that needs it, the craziness and pain seem less unmanageable. I was blessed enough during parts of long, unattractive hospital stays, to walk around and meet other parents or siblings of similarly affected children. I learned that all almost anyone wants in that situation is to know they’re not alone. Listening seemed to be what helped the most. And just as a mother loves to tell the story of the birth of her beautiful babies, so does a grieving parent of the heartache that comes from watching your child in so much pain and not be able to kiss the boo-boo away.

I feel drained and tired. I was holding it together for the sake of others while we endured the year. A few months ago when we got the news of total remission, I felt able to finally relax. My body and mind however, decided to begin dumping all the depression, anger, and tears that I had been shoving down for almost a year. So here, several months after, things are much calmer, and we are recovering. I can finally breathe enough to pull out relief and thankfulness.

I look back on 2013 with gratefulness and a perfect finality to move on without looking back until the wounds heal.
For the survival of every member of my family
For patience, understanding and most of all wisdom of a mother
For the opportunities to do things for others because of a generous father
For two parents that smash the idea that you can’t change when you are older and prove that you only become more perfect with age
For the knowledge and realization that my parents are always right
For the unconditional and blind love of my children
For grace and forgiveness from those that provided it over and over and still do
For hope of the beautiful future we have and the clear path provided to get there
For willpower that gets stronger and stronger every day
For the friends that call me to see how I am every single day
For realizing that every day can mean whatever I want it to
For a job and boss that has more tolerance and empathy than anyone I’ve ever met
For parents that want the best for me and my family, and don’t just talk about it, they also show it
For children that give me delightful surprises every day
For learning that you cannot wash your phone with your clothing
For learning you can put your freshly washed cell phone minus the batter in the oven for a bit and then it’s good as new
For my oldest being an amazing cook/nurturer/passionate/beautiful/just fabulous person overall
For remission x1000
For realizing my true passion and knowing that I can pursue it
For the I love you project that is going to be 4 years old next year and is going to change our lives
For our house, car and ability to be together as a family
For 5 perfect, talented, beautiful, giving, smart, loving, and patient children
For experiencing everything for the first time with the solidification of teenager-hood overtaking the house
For trust
For parents that see my dream and encourage me to chase it hard
For a sense of humor that amazes still
For nurses that break rules because they know how much of a difference the little things make
Above all for change
… Change that brings new, exciting things that may be difficult, or overwhelming, but will be faced with the support and strength of my family’s unbreakable bond.

Sorry for the rambling randomness. I just needed to do a stream of consciousness and remind myself when I start feeling down that there was more good than bad this past year.

Now I can enter 2014 with laughter and a smile.

Posted in 2013, Life, Loss | Leave a comment

I love you because no one can measure up to you….

Have you ever been with someone that was everything you always dreamed your perfect man would be. Magically they tell you they love you. You would do anything for them, and do… You love to make them happy. Is person begins to consume you.
You not only dream about him (or her) but eating, sleeping, working and any other daily activities are completely consumed with them. You are so infatuated that you are unaware of anything else. You will do anything to make them happy, including compromise yourself. It doesn’t happen quickly. Actually, you’re not even aware of it until someone points it out. You ignore them of course because the blindfold of warm fuzzies is letting you see no fault. We all know at some point that blindfold gets old and starts to wear thin enough to see clearly through. Then you have to make a choice, continue or change something, if you’re not happy or it’s not healthy for you. When you’re in a long term committed relationship, the time will come that you have to make a conscious decision to continue loving the other person. And that some days, is not easy.

I have wasted so much time in many of my relationships trying to please a man that wants to do absolutely nothing for me in return. Not that i noticed until there were giant holes in my blindfold of love, because I’m a rescuer, and a people pleaser. What can I do to make things better for them? That question I ask myself at least once a day. Then today, while driving down the road I had an epiphany. I was wallowing about feeling lonely and wondering if I will ever be able to walk into a relationship with no blindfold and finally be with an equal partner. Then I realized, I don’t have to be lonely right now, I have friends and family. And they are more than willing to fill my lonely social pocket. I started doing a friend inventory. Learning from all the past relationships, trying to calculate who would be the most positive to focus on, even use as a guideline for the next time I begin an intimate relationship. One in particular stood out more than the rest. This man is consistent. Without fail he always has time for me, no matter what he’s doing and makes me feel more important than whatever I interrupted. My mom once told me, you know you find a good man when he buys you presents. This one does, not just on holidays but sometimes, just because. A man that is the standard to which I should have measured every guy. A man that lives by his integrity and word. He puts family above anything else. I have known him a long time, before I was old enough to work… Because of his example, I know how to work hard, to be loyal, and in turn I have become successful. This man also has always held the fragility of my heart with the utmost care. He gets protective when I get hurt and goes to great lengths to keep me safe. I feel like an idiot looking back, seeing how much I was following my emotions, taking for granted what I’ve had my entire life. Worrying about making man after man happy that care only for their own concerns. Showing me just enough affection to pad that blindfold for a little bit longer. This man has always been honest with me. Even when it hurts or was critical, I would always know the unconditional love behind it. And of course he’s a man and sometimes things come out not as they were intended causing my girl defense border come out shooting. But we’ve always come out of those misunderstandings with a peace treaty and a better understanding of each other. He used to tell me when he saw me doing something stupid, try to save me some pain, but usually I wouldn’t listen. Then when everything happened just as he tried to warn me it would, as a good friend, instead of “I told you so” he was there with a Kleenex and a hug to make it all better. He patiently watched as I had bad relationship after bad relationship, and when those fell apart… He is the guy I would come to for comfort. I have never had to question that his intentions weren’t always in my best interest. He is selfless, charitable, and everything I have looked up to. He leads by example and people look up to and respect him. I look at this list, kicking myself in the butt, all along the perfect man has been right in front of me. But because of my self worth I didn’t think I deserved prefect…. Too bad I can’t marry him since he’s already married to my mom. I love you dad and I love that our relationship continues to get better and better with age, just like you.

Posted in 2013, Life, Love | 1 Comment

I love you because you taught me to let go….

I stand at the top of a hill. The hill is familiar, it’s where I go when I need to think… To figure out a problem. I am holding a giant dandelion in my left hand and a bottle of wine dangles by its neck from my right. I pick up dandelions… Mine and other peoples. Most of the the time they are eager to share their weeds. I don’t mind, I’ve always had a knack for carrying others weeds, for as long as I needed to, or until they die in my hand.

The dandelion I hold in my fist I have been carrying long enough that it’s brown on the stem. I have tried to set it down, not care about it. But I am fascinated and feel the need to carry it everywhere with me. It’s a problem. The fuzzy white top sticks out everywhere… Seeds barely hanging on. Waiting patiently for me to give the the boost they need, permission they have to have before they can fly away. I sit, realizing that carrying this giant weed around isn’t doing anything good for me… Actually it’s hindering a lot. I have trouble focusing working one-handed. I know what I need to do. And I have tried every other way to keep it happy with me. All it does is remind me of why I like to carry weeds around in the first place.
I take two steps forward, the lazy wind brushing the tall grass across the ticklish part of my shins. I focus because this is the biggest dandelion I have ever carried, and do the longest amount of time.

I feel the suns earth envelope me like a hug, the entire hill and meadow below seems to be holding its breath, waiting for me to make a move. Even the wind has quieted and all is still. I close my eyes and breathe in, long and slow, holding my breath for just a moment. I pull my fist to my chin. The head of the dandelion eclipses my entire face. It has grown even since I arrived. I breathe out, slow, steady, and peacefully every single seed is caught by the wind that suddenly seemed to know what it needed to do. I am now able to drop the stem. I stretch my fingers, my palm is an odd shade of red from how tightly I had been gripping my weed.

I look up and realize I did it, I finally let it go. The wind just was waiting for me to decide what I wanted to do. And with one breathe I released it.. The weed is no longer something I need to worry about. It’s no longer mine, and it feels nice to be free.

Posted in 2013, Life, Loss, Love | 3 Comments

I love you because you make me look like a total wuss…

I would like to tell you about the bravest person I know.

Not so long ago, someone I wasn’t very close with made a pretty bad enemy. Not on purpose, but sometimes, whether intentional or not, these things happen. This enemy liked to do sneaky, backhanded things, like find ways to try to hurt you, however it can. She tried to avoid it, but eventually the enemy found her and captured her, kidnapping her. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. It would let her wander around freely, with the requirements of checking in on a schedule for torture and other such monstrosities. I was allowed to visit her and soon, because of a shared hatred for this enemy, we became closer than I could have ever hoped. I started to learn that my initial impressions were wrong. Next to me wasn’t a the person I thought she was at all. Instead a funny, warm, compassionate, and very scared girl. She fought hard and on his schedule, afraid to deviate by penalty of death. But the enemy was strong and she would get tired. She knew that when she had to go to the enemies lair, she would be forced to take poison, be kept awake for days at a time, and be a guinea pig for whatever experiments he wanted to torture her with. She would hold my hand and I would walk her in, only able to stand by her side and watch. The poison she was given often made her feel like dying would be a better option, but we reminded each other that eventually the enemy would get bored and let her go, and all we needed to do was wait it out.

So day after day and week after week, she would try to put on a smile and force one foot in front of the other to go to the last place she ever wanted to go. There were days where I had to put on brave face because I knew how sick she was going to get and how completely helpless I felt. All I wanted more than anything was to tell the enemy that I would take the poison and the pain, if he would just let her live and leave her alone. But, once someone is chosen, there isn’t anyone that can volunteer to take their place. I tried to be there for her as much as possible, but sometimes fell short, unable to cope with her pain, loving her like I do. But every time, when I fell short, she would be there carrying me… This little thing, that became even smaller, was carrying me… It should have been the other way around.

We got closer and closer, bonded now in a way I only dreamt was possible. One day, she told me she didn’t want to do it anymore, this was the moment the enemy wanted… To break her, make it impossible for her to remember that this was temporary and to hang in there. She told me that and I realized I needed her. I didn’t want to let her quit and the enemy win, I wanted her to fight with everything she had because I can’t do life without her.

I will always admire my 14 year old daughter for fighting cancer with everything she had and teaching me levels of bravery, courage, and humor I didn’t know existed.

You amaze me, every single day. And every day you are in remission is another day I know it’s only because you were brave enough to say if this is what it takes to keep living.

I love you.

Posted in 2013, Life, Love | Leave a comment

I love you even though I can’t support you…

You find something that seems like a good idea at the time. You decide to put some effort into this “project”. Not just effort, but sweat, blood, tears, money, emotions, your soul. Not to mention your heart. You fall in love with this project. And for awhile it looks like your idea will become something great. It has the potential to, that’s why you started to invest in it in the first place. The more attached you become to this project, the more it begins to seem as though it has a mind if it’s own. It starts creating solutions to obstacles on its own. It begins to move in directions you didn’t plan for. It does things, as if alive that you never expected.

You stop working on the project because every time you take it in a direction to progress it, it seems to steer itself in a completely different direction. For awhile you work with it in that new direction because it seems easier that trying to fight it back on track. But the money required to maintain it in this unexpected way is more that was budgeted for the project and eventually you have to stop working on it all together. Occasionally, you check back on it and try to make it fit back into the original plan, quickly realizing it is just a huge waste of time and money. At this point the project is out of control and making decisions that will affect it until it is complete and possibly beyond. Some of the directions it chooses affects your other projects too. The new ones that you are just starting and have high hopes for. The stress of the failing project is too much and you begin to doubt everything you used to be good at, wondering if you will ever be able to make a successful project.

Time and time again you consider abandoning it all together. But you always come back remembering how much money and time you’ve invested. And at this point your heart is completely involved. It begins to be more than a struggle to try to keep the project on track, your other projects are being completely ignored. You’re losing sleep over it. Not eating. Depressed. Stressed more than you’ve ever been.

You wake up one day and realize that no matter how much you love this project, it will never be what you wanted it to be. And the more you try, the more it will fight you.

It’s over, you have to give up, knowing that you will never finish this project because it has moved beyond where you can even have input on its direction. Much less be in agreement as to what steps to take next. It completely consumes you, you family, friends and co-workers can all see it and tell you frequently how it’s affecting your health, your mental well being and your finances. You see it now and it has come to the point that you need to make a decision.

Should you continue pouring everything into this project because you hold it so close to your heart and it means more to you than anything ever has before. Or do you cut your losses and move on, knowing that you did everything you could to try to make the project successful.

I think it’s time to move on. As much as it hurts to make that decision, I know that I tried everything I possibly could to make it work. I can’t afford to continue trying. I’ve given up everything and all I get back is a broken heart and disappointment. No matter how much I love it, I can’t make it anything it wasn’t going to be on its own.

Sometimes you just have to walk away before it kills you.

Posted in 2013, Loss, Love | 1 Comment

I love you because you make me feel guilty….

Every day I carry guilt, ridiculous amounts of it. Guilt for not doing things that have been on my todo list for ages. Guilt for failing to meet expectations.. At work, with parents, with friends, you get the point. The worst of all these though is the guilt that comes from being a mom. No one prepares you for that. Guilt after realizing that what you thought was the best decision for your genetic products didn’t turn out as well as you’d hoped. Guilt for sometimes giving them cereal for dinner because you’re either too tired or just don’t feel like cooking that night. Guilt for knowing you let them watch way too much tv, play way too many video games and eat way too much junk food… All if these you have to keep as silent guilt though, because none of us would ever admit to another mother what really goes on to get that peaceful hour in the bath without having to hear “mommy”. Then there’s the guilt the mini-me puts on you. It’s their way of testing their negotiation and sales skills. “Mommy, all the other kids have an iPhone5 and they make fun of me because I have a flip phone… You don’t want me to be made fun of do you.” Followed by a slight tilt of the head and a few very slow and deliberate blinks that cause the bottom lip to stick out just a little. Too cute.

Every decision I have made for or with my children has been visited after the fact and mulled over, analyzed and finally thrown in the permanent guilt vault. Convenient though, that guilt vault… It’s there so if I ever run into a situation where I feel completely at peace with all the decisions I’ve just made I can immediately access the vault and the most traumatic ones always hang out in the front for easy access.

So while I sit typing this and watching my little “not ripe yet adults” sleeping, I realize I will probably feel guilty for the rest of my life.. For decisions I make for them, for decisions they make for themselves, and for those things I forgot to tell them until it was after it was too late and now there are guilty consequences to deal with. But I also would change one single decision I’ve made and had to struggle through with them. I often tell my oldest that she needs to remember that all of her firsts are my firsts too, and please try to understand that we both are going to screw things up royally sometimes, but as long as we stick together, not only will everything be ok, but someday I will be able to close the guilt vault and lose the key.

Posted in 2013, Life, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you’re me…

something I’ve kind of sucked at my entire adult life (other than not learning my lessons the easy way), is staying too long in a bad situation. Relationships are not my strong point. The good ones I seem to self-sabotage and the abusive or bad ones I seem to always come back to get more. Maybe it’s because I feel like I’ve done so much bad that I deserve to be punished, whether it’s self punishment or other. Then when things go bad, I blame myself. And if that isn’t enough, I punish myself too. It’s a horrible habit and I know I do it, but how do I stop? How do I take myself back to the point I was at when I was proud of myself? Before I made decisions that nearly cost me everything. How do I remember that I am worth something to someone somewhere and there is a person out there that won’t treat me like a doormat or like toilet paper? How do I know I’m not teaching my kids that those bad relationships are ok? After all, I keep going back. They see me put up with crap, cry for hours because the pain is unbearable and then wipe the tears and get up to get some more. How do I make sure to teach my sons that all women deserve to be heard and respected and that sometimes, while emotional, a lot of our passion comes from a very deep sense of commitment and desire to please the other person. And my daughters, that their future spouses should treat them with respect, speak gently with them and listen to all their hopes and fears and share them, regardless of how silly they may seem. I know something has to change, but I don’t know how. The hardest year of our lives is almost at it’s end. I can see it with the rest of my family. I know it’s going to bring new beginnings, hopes, opportunities and dreams. I realized part of why I’ve been struggling so badly is because I don’t have any dreams, hopes or goals… and haven’t for awhile. That’s my next project, remember how to dream. I may need help from the kids on this one. I also want to get back to writing, not just to vent (because I’ve been doing that a lot lately) but because I need to feel like I am accomplishing something bigger than me.

Posted in 2013, Life, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you told me how angry I was…

I never thought would be in a position where finding things to be grateful for would be like a seek-&-find. I don’t know if the events over the last 6-9 months have pushed me beyond where I’ve been before, or if it was because I have to watch my child in pain. I was doing some self-reflecting and found a very ungrateful, almost bitter person inside. One filled with the “why me, why us?” attitude. I had someone joke the other day and tell me maybe all this is happening because of something I had done to piss off karma, and for a split second I actually entertained that idea. Where did my attitude go that everything happens for the greater good, and things all work out in the end? I’m angry, hurt, and resentful. I have struggled to find something that makes me happy in a long time. My identity has been wrapped up in recent events so much that it is no longer recognizable as even ME anymore. Things have slipped so far down the rabbit hole that I, subconsciously, had given up on ever having peace and joy again. And without realizing it, I had managed to give up, completely. Even the small victories don’t matter anymore. Every day activities became a drag and take so much energy to just survive them.

I know I didn’t do anything to karma or anyone else for the events that have unfolded. But I do know it’s my choice on how I will handle them. I can honestly say this has been the hardest year of my life. And I know there are several other people close to me that would agree for themselves as well. Sometimes things get tough, for no other reason because they just do. We didn’t do anything to deserve it, never have. But I can make the choice to move above it, find things every day I am incredibly grateful for and focus on those. Like the ability to spend yesterday with one of my children, celebrating his birthday. Watching the wonder and excitement that is all too soon stamped out by reality. Or that every single day someone wants to snuggle with me. Or that I get to watch my children grow up, together… Or at all. It may take awhile, and practice, since I’ve been out of it for awhile. But I am learning to live now and see everything I have instead of everything I’ve lost.

Posted in 2013, Life, Loss | Leave a comment

I love you because you didn’t know who I was…

Ugh, I wrote this 3 times and it got deleted 3 times… So here’s the short version.
Today… Over the last few days actually, I have been given the opportunity to experience a high like I’ve never felt, get insight on a different perspective I’ve never seen, and make a difference I could see. It so interesting to me that the older I become, the less I know and the more I want to learn. I was concerned about not working, as I’ve discovered that much of my identity has been and was tied to my job. I am now channeling that energy (what little there is) into helping other people in a variety of different ways. The best part is they have no idea who I am. And it is the most amazing feeling I’ve ever felt. I think I have finally found a healthy addiction.

Posted in 2013, Life | 1 Comment

I love you because I failed…

I am still trying to save the world. These days though, I am getting better at recognizing that’s what I’m trying to do, and stopping myself… Or at least pulling back a little. When one is a “world saver” you tend to also carry an uncalled for sense of responsibility that the world or those you a trying to save in it, make it. It makes for a very frustrating circle that never goes anywhere. You pour a lot of time, energy, money, and emotions into whoever the new project is, and when they don’t live up to the potential you see that they could have, it makes for a frustrating self-deprecating sense of guilt, that you have failed. The other problem with being a world saver is that you quickly get over the failures and try again. choosing often to only see the good sides in everyone. Most people would think that’s a good thing… Unless you can’t see past the failures for what it might be. And what it might be is not what you are going to like. So instead of being able to let things lie, and go with the flow,you try to save the world, and sometimes the world doesn’t want saving and you should just worry about making yourself happy. Because if the world fails, it’s not your fault. Sometimes the world is responsible for its own decisions and actions and has to deal with the consequences of what they, not you have created for themselves. Even though you care, and it hurts to watch them fail, you can’t save the world, just yourself.

Posted in 2013, Loss, Love | 1 Comment