Author Archives: Admin

I love you because you showed me where to stab the ice pick….

Life is a series of precious fragile moments. I was talking to someone the other day about mortality. Why it weighs heavy on some and not at all on others. I don’t know when the switch happens for people, just … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Life, Loss, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you showed me my worst self…

Recently, I heard from someone from my past life. I say past life, because the person I was, the things I did and the mistakes I made, feel like a different lifetime ago. I had moved on, with every part … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you won’t leave me alone…

I woke up this morning with the knowledge that I have no obligations until later tonight… these days are becoming rare. My intention today was to take it easy and just sort of lay in bed all day. The problem … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you held my hand while I faded…

I am trying to get back in the habit of posting, whether I think anyone is reading or not. I stopped or slowed down for awhile because normally this is the place I share hope, or some inspired self-realization. And … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Life, Loss, Love | Leave a comment

I love you and I’m not dead…

I have spent an extraordinarily large amount of time over the last few years thinking about death. What it feels like, what it looks like, will it hurt? I’ve wondered what I would regret, if anything? Would there be bridges … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you weren’t the one…

It hurts. Took longer this time than the last time to feel it. I thought I was handling things ok, but it hurts. I faced one of the biggest battles I’ve ever had, you, by my side. There was rough, … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Life, Loss, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you said ‘no’….

Day 5 I have been abused… mentally, physically and emotionally. It usually starts slow and you don’t realize it, becoming conditioned to it, while it gradually gets worse and worse, tearing you completely apart. Eventually it’s “normal”… until someone else … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because sometimes you’re a lot to take in…

Day 4 Be you, unapologetically and unwaveringly. The older I get, the more I realize, I’m the first person I need to be ok with me. Too often as teenagers and young adults, we get caught up in who others … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you don’t control me….

Life has this funny way of working itself out. I think I’m supposed to go in one direction and then something happens that takes me in another… if nothing else, I’m learning to embrace change, because change is inevitable. I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you’re not dead…

Everything is different on borrowed time. What you see, smell, feel… everything feels newer, more precious. I hate that phrase, borrowed time. Isn’t all time borrowed? Going through this battle gave me renewed views on a lot in life. My … Continue reading

Posted in 2017 | Leave a comment