Author Archives: Admin

I love you because you left me…

The last few days have been re-adjusting to being back from an awesome family vacation.. working again. The first few days are always the hardest. The time off gave me alot of time to think.. and much like many people, … Continue reading

Posted in 2011 | Leave a comment

I love you just because are my past and therefore my hero…

I’ve watched my kids grow, and with the years flying by they’ll be gone soon. For now though, I realized I’ve learned a few things. They are all pieces of me. Meaning more than biologically, they do things and say things … Continue reading

Posted in 2011 | 1 Comment

I love you just because you listen..

Do you ever look at your life and think to yourself that you aren’t where you thought you’d be? I have been the master of my fate, controller of my destiny for longer than I should have been. Making grownup decisions … Continue reading

Posted in 2011 | Leave a comment

I love you just because you break my heart every single day..

9 years and 360 days ago I was pregnant, very pregnant with a child I had grown to love with every inch of my being. I already had a bouncing, beautiful 1.5 year old girl that was my entire world. … Continue reading

Posted in 2011 | Leave a comment

I love you because you’re going to have a birthday

Randomness It’s so hard sometimes to find something I think is worthwhile to write about. Or positive enough that I think others will actually want to read. I’ve always hated when I have those friends that the only thing they … Continue reading

Posted in 2011 | Leave a comment

I love you all the time…

We are 14 days into the new year. 14 days to make a bigger change than last year… so far, nothing spectacular. My life has managed to move drastically in the wrong direction, but I’m a survivor, and things will … Continue reading

Posted in 2011 | Leave a comment

I love you because you’re brand new…

The holidays are over for the most part. All that’s left is the occasional bow or shred of wrapping paper forgotten in the corner, and the constant “how was your holiday?”. Every person I run into, seems to want to … Continue reading

Posted in 2011 | Leave a comment

I love you just so you’re not alone…

I now have an entirely new perception and appreciation for the “older” generation in the current (I hate to use these words, as they are overused, but I couldn’t come up with a better phrase or word) economy. To lose your … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 | Leave a comment

I love you because you gave me a blanket when I was cold…

So I’ve been working now for a little over 3 weeks. I love it. The actual job part kind of sucks.. getting up early, learning so much information I’ve had to find a way to dump my brain when I get home just so I … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 | Leave a comment

I love you because you were jealous of me… for two seconds…

I’ve spent much of my life comparing myself to everyone around me. Sometimes this pushes me to do better, sometimes it discourages because I disappoint myself. All of the time it’s an unconscious choice that becomes aware to me the … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 | Leave a comment