Author Archives: Admin

I love you just because you were always you…

Today, mortality has a face. And it’s fighting with gut wrenching punches right to the kidney. You ever meet a person and you know that just by their sheer will, they will be something huge, touch someone unexplainable… change lives? … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 | Leave a comment

I love you because you are brutally honest…

I have a hero, several actually. But this one in particular means an extra lot to me. She shows me how I should be, as a mother, friend and individual. Her wisdom is something I admire but have never told … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 | Leave a comment

I love you because you popped my floaties

I was doing some self-reflecting at my desk today at my amazing job that I’m incredibly grateful for every single day. You know, the reflecting with your eyes closed, head back, feet up and a little droomy slowly making its … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 | Leave a comment

I love you because you never wanted to do it the easy way….

“I had to learn that lesson the hard way”. I’ve heard that so many times, thought it to myself even more. Then I thought about it today… when have I ever learned any lesson the easy way? Isn’t that why … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 | Leave a comment

I love you because you are an addict.

Life is a journey, and the older I get I begin to actually see what that means more and more. As a young adult, you feel as though you know everything, no one can teach you anything, Then you begin … Continue reading

Posted in 2011 | Leave a comment

I love you because you make me not want kill them all….

So much has changed. New job, new house (sort of), new relationship, new beginnings and directions, new everything. The job is amazing, better than I ever expected. I can carry on conversations with doctors, professors and the world’s smart people without … Continue reading

Posted in 2011 | Leave a comment

I love you just because you remind me alot of myself…

I went to Myspace tonight, on a whim.. wanted to see if it was the same as it’s been for the last 4-6 years since the big facepage takeover. It is. It’s alot more musically enhanced (new music players etc.) … Continue reading

Posted in 2011 | Leave a comment

I love you just because you love me when I’m a wreck…

So you work hard.. you fail, alot. You also succeed sometimes. Every success, you learn to celebrate. Then you fail, hard.. harder than you ever have… mortality even may play a part. Looking at the very making of your being to … Continue reading

Posted in 2011 | Leave a comment

I love you because you failed…

“What does not kill you just makes you stronger” “Growing is never comfortable” I’ve heard both of these many times, not just referencing my life, but referencing those around me. I’ve watched other’s lives from a window outside, just as … Continue reading

Posted in 2011 | Leave a comment

I love you because you make me feel guilty…

I’m so much harder on myself than anyone else ever could be. I take responsibility for not just my mistakes, but the mistakes of anyone I’m responsible for or have any direct connection to. When they fail, I feel as … Continue reading

Posted in 2011 | Leave a comment