Author Archives: Admin

I love you because you are instruction free

Technology has advanced beyond what our parents and their parents could dream… Most of them anyway. And yet, there still seems to be lacking some fundamental abilities, or functions everyone should be equipped with. Some people are, and to them… … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you taught me

Love is realizing you would rather be the one in pain instead of watching someone else have to be. Love is choosing to forgive even when it hurts. Love is knowing when to walk away, even though ever single fiber … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Love | Leave a comment

I love you because you can’t kill me

This too shall pass. I’ve said that more times then most people will in their entire lives in the last 24 months. I used to feel like I was on the bottom of a very short but very heavy support … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you are here now

I got on here just now, thinking that it’d been a long, long time since the last post. I realized,in the real world, it’s only been a month. In my world, it feels a lot longer than that. I have … Continue reading

Posted in 2012, Love | 1 Comment

I love you because you can punch me, but I won’t stay down

It’s not everyday or even every person that gets to face their own inner strength so early in life, in such a rare, raw way. The last 2 years have been a blur with intermittent moments of memories…  most of … Continue reading

Posted in 2012, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you didn’t succeed…

I just went through and read the last few posts. Wow, things change, and quickly. After taking almost solid two months to myself to “fix” some things, I can finally look at the future with vision that has exceeded anything … Continue reading

Posted in 2012, Life | Leave a comment

I love you because you push the boundaries

Lots of people talk about living today like it’s the last one. Wouldn’t most of us be out somewhere doing something either really stupid or really dangerous? I know that after I had said goodbye to family and friends, I … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 | Leave a comment

I love you because you made me study…

Here I am at the end of week one.And as with all things you have to learn, there will of course, be a test. Why is it they put tests at the end of an emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 | Leave a comment

I love you because you are strong enough

Today I began a new life, one with hope, and a promise of a future. Unfortunately, it also meant I’m leaving a lot behind. People that mean more to me than I ever thought possible, habits that I’ve acquired over … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 | 1 Comment

I love you because you knew exactly what I needed…

I was given a gift the other day. One that was perfect in its timing and more valuable than anything I own. I didn’t even realize how bad I wanted and needed it until the hints that I might be getting … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 | Leave a comment