Category Archives: 2020

I love you because you are always there…

Forty something years ago my parents became parents for the first time. They had the perfect first child. I know he would argue otherwise, because humility is one of his natural attributes. I didn’t know until years later that when … Continue reading

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Quarantine day eleventy-seven…

We are now at the point that the days are becoming slightly more clear, the weeks are flying by, but the days of the week are clearer. I think my people skills are getting better.. but on the same hand, … Continue reading

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Quarantine day 7,001

I live in a state that has decided to open this week. I have chosen the best use of my abilities is to continue wearing pants with elastic and t-shirts with holes on the collar. People are treating yesterday like … Continue reading

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quarantine day 736

Today I am choosing to be grateful. Lots of time to think about everything. Don’t get me wrong, I think about everything all the time anyway, but these thoughts are different. Time is moving slower. Slower in such a way … Continue reading

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Quarantine day 73-b

This week was one that topped the last year of quarantine. Time is blurring together, some things I’m recalling may have happened this week or last year… we don’t know anymore – disregard my inconsistencies with time, it has no … Continue reading

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Quarantine day 42.c

I think I’m more on top of it today than other days. I know trash is tomorrow because one of the kids came in and emptied all the bins in my room earlier. I will have to verify with the … Continue reading

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Quarantine Day After Trash Day

The hair dying has begun. One of my daughters has dyed her hair a color I can only equate to as the squished remains of a box elder bug. Which may sound gross, but is actually a brilliant orange/red. She … Continue reading

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Quarantine day 16.. I think..

I missed yesterday.. not even sure yesterday really happened. I tried my pants on yesterday and am not pleased that they are shrinking due to non-usage. We had a family dinner last night and it was quiet. Like really quiet. … Continue reading

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I love you because you didn’t cough on me…

Day 9 of voluntary quarantine. I should have been writing before this, but to be honest.. it wasn’t as funny till now. Here’s some of the adjustments. I have been sending memes back and forth with one of my friends, … Continue reading

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